Tour to Neocene
Translated by João Vitor Coutinho
Edited by Pavel Volkov
In the Neocene, South America was completely separated from
North America. Throughout almost the entire Cenozoic, the continents were also
separated, and in each of them flora and fauna developed independently. But
then, in the Pliocene, the Isthmus of Panama formed between the continents,
and the subsequent invasion of northern species destroyed the endemic South
American fauna.
In the Neocene, the connection between the continents was interrupted again:
the movement of small lithospheric plates in the Caribbean Sea, caused by the
expansion of the Atlantic, tore the Isthmus of Panama and made it impossible
for further exchange of the faunas of the two continents. For a time, species
from South America could have entered the north through the intermittent Antillean
Bridge – a chain of islands formed by the Antilles and a large island called
Great Antigua. Due to this, cursorial caviomorph rodents, the deermaras,
appeared in the north and flourished in the plains of North America. However,
later this movement of fauna also became impossible.
In Neocene, South America is gradually shifting south towards the Pole. The
plains of Patagonia are already in an area of temperate climate, with heavy
snow falling in winter and it is pretty cold in the mountains. But the plains
of the northern part of the continent are still in the area of tropical and
subtropical climates, and a variety of thermophilic species of plants and animals
dominate here.
To the south of the area of continuous rain forests, there is a belt of light
forests. This landscape is a bit reminiscent of the areas of East Africa in
the Pliocene and Pleistocene: grassy plains are cut by rivers, in the valleys
of which vast shallow lakes are scattered. Outcrops of rock formations rise
above the plains, forming mountain plateaus with caps of evergreen forest. This
area is very attractive for various species of animals, from the smallest ones
to true giants.
A bird's feather lies among the grass. Judging by its shape, it is a flight
feather from a bird’s wing – it is slightly curved, and its vexillum is asymmetrical.
It served its owner faithfully for a long time: its edges were slightly frayed,
and the vexillum in some places was gnawed by parasites.
A small motley lizard with a thin long tail climbed onto this feather, attracted
by the sunny place, and closed its eyes, enjoying the warmth of the sun. It
sits on this feather, as if on a palm leaf, and there would be enough space
for one or two more of its relatives. But the lizard itself was not some kind
of dwarf, but a medium-sized adult reptile. It’s just that the feather on which
the lizard decided to bask itself is about three-quarters of a meter long.
The lizard is not alone in this world: it is surrounded by much stronger and
more ferocious animals, and a small reptile needs to be constantly on the alert
so as not to become someone’s food. The lizard watches with one eye several
huge birds feasting nearby. They are hunting
herons, flightless carnivorous birds, one of the most important predators
in the Neocene plains of South America. They hunt in a group, and their behavior
helps them to catch the swift-footed inhabitants of the plains, which are dangerous
for other predators. About half an hour ago, they killed a young giant
paca – it would not be easy for a lonely hunting heron to do it, since this
monstrous rodent weighs much more than the predator itself. By acting together,
the birds inflicted many wounds on the giant paca with their pointed, serrated
beaks, and the animal simply bled out and died.
Now the hunting herons are enjoying their prey. Twitching their necks, they
tear out pieces of meat from the sides of the killed giant paca and convulsively
gulp them. From time to time, they click their beaks, turning towards each other.
Despite the collective method of hunting, a strict hierarchy reigns in the flock
of birds, and the weaker individuals eat furtively, while the dominant birds
are busy with swallowing of their portions of meat. Hunting herons have tiny
reduced wings, so the huge feather lying in the grass simply cannot physically
belong to them. But other large birds are found in the plains of South America.
Like a cloud covered the sun for a moment, and a gust of wind stirred the grass.
The lizard jumped off the feather and disappeared among the tall grass stems.
Experience and instinct teach it to be extremely careful, and this has saved
its life more than once. The hiding reptile hears a loud flapping of huge wings
and a dull sound of feet hitting the ground. Without tempting fate, the lizard
finds its hole and hides there.
A monstrous bird with strong legs, large wings and bare head and neck wanders
among the grass. The bird folds its wings, and at this moment it becomes noticeable
that one wing is missing a flight feather. A huge territory – about a hundred
square kilometers, is the possession of this very bird, and the owner regularly
flies round these lands. The owner of the giant feather, a bird called akatu,
landed on the ground next to the hunting herons not by accident: due to its
keen sense of smell, this bird felt that the hunt of the flightless herons had
ended successfully, and now wants to get its share by the right of might. There
are many hunting herons – more than a dozen. But these birds are too stupid
to take hold of the strength in numbers and drive off the great bird. And the
akatu knows how to make an irresistible impression on any of the local predators:
having opened its huge wings, the akatu bends its head, inflates its throat
bag and roars loudly. In response to this display, hunting herons click their
beaks, and one of the birds makes an aggressive attack towards the akatu. However,
akatu is not afraid of such solitary attempts to intimidate: the bird makes
a two-meter jump with open wings, and its bellow, reinforced by its swollen
throat sac, resounds the plain again. The hunting herons can’t stand it. One
after another, long-billed birds retreat from the prey and seek protection from
each other. The most hungry individuals could stay with the prey longer, but
the monstrous akatu continues driving them away, and finally all hunting herons
retreat one after another. The last of the birds managed to tear off a piece
of meat, but as soon as it moved away from the carcass, another heron immediately
took this meat from her. As for akatu, it is not at all interested in the appetences
and problems of hunting herons. A large bird plunges its featherless head into
the carcass of a giant paka, and begins to tear meat with its sharp beak.
The bird that has lost a huge feather rarely, but in regular way appears in
this area – it is a part of the vast possessions of the akatu, and every day
the bird flies in search of food to another place. Such large predators always
have vast territories and live in sparse populations. The bird that has taken
advantage of the hunting success of the hunting herons is an adult akatu male.
It features a bright blue throat and a large throat sac that resonates with
the powerful and sonorous cry that the akatu uses to claim food and territory
to other inhabitants of the plains and mountains. Akatu belongs to the cathartid
family – carnivorous birds similar to the vultures of the Old World. In the
epoch of ecological crisis, many species of birds of prey became extinct, but
the ancestor of the akatu survived, and after millions of years turned into
a creature of amazing appearance.
The akatu male flies over the plains, surveying them. Its sensitive nostrils
capture thousands of smells of the heated ground, complementing the picture
of the world spread out under the wing of this bird. Soaring high in the sky
in the rising currents of warm air, this giant bird represents a magnificent
sight. Its habitat in the human epoch was called the Gran Chaco. In Neocene,
the Gran Chaco is a real “patchwork” of grassy plains, forests, rivers and lakes.
Dense forests grow mainly along the banks of water bodies, and in the savannah
trees form open woodlands or grow in separate groups among grasses. In the Gran
Chaco of the Neocene epoch, the climate is seasonal: the wet season alternates
with drought. In the dry season, reservoirs can dry up, and rivers turn into
strings of shallow ponds in the channel, where helpless aquatic inhabitants
gather. On the contrary, in the wet season, rivers can overflow for many kilometers,
turning the plains into shallow lakes and swamps. But during floods, the inhabitants
of the plains, which do not like water, have the opportunity to escape: here
and there among the plains, outcrops of rocks rise, like islands in the ocean.
They are badly destroyed by time and often look like medieval castles of the
human era or some kind of bizarre sculptures. The tops of the old mountain plateaus
are overgrown with forest, and here morning fogs give life to many plants and
animals that are not found anywhere else, even on the nearest similar plateaus.
Four-legged predators will not be able to climb here, but the rocks do not represent
an obstacle for the strong wings of the akatu. Here, in rocky niches, akatu
nests, and here the male has chosen a place for a new nest.
Akatus form pairs for many years, and even for life. Birds of the same pair
are very attached to each other and spend a lot of time together. But the formation
of such a pair is preceded by several seasons of test nestings, which sometimes
may have an unsuccessful result. The male akatu is single, and he approaches
the choice of a life partner especially carefully. For nesting he chose a convenient
niche in the rock, protected by an overhanging stone cornice and several strands
of vines rooted higher in the crack of the rock. It is a great camouflage for
the nest, and in addition, the vines protect the nest from rain with their wide
leaves. The male akatu already nested in this place last year, and before him
an old female of the same species lived in this place for a long time. While
she was alive, the male akatu did not even try to encroach on her territory,
but one day she disappeared somewhere, and the young male immediately took this
convenient place, leaving his former place of residence. He threw out of the
niche the upper part of the old nest, and threw on its base many large branches
found below to make the frame even stronger – if he manages to get a family,
the nest will have to withstand the weight of a pair of the largest flying birds
of the Neocene world, and their offspring.
During the day, the male akatu searches for food: he hunts large animals himself,
or takes prey from other hunters, using his gigantic size and brute strength.
After the hunt, having rested, he continues to build the nest. In the evenings
over the plains a prolonged rolling call is heard – the mating call of the akatu
male. This huge bird repeats it for many days in a row: akatus live far from
each other, and it can be difficult to find a nesting partner.
Gradually, the building of the nest comes to an end: the male begins to drag
not only twigs and branches, but even whole bushes torn from the ground. Tamped
down by his feet, they form an elastic bedding of the nest. The male akatu rests
very little: the birds have a long period of raising offspring, and he is in
a hurry to finish the nest, even if the female has not appeared on the territory.
At akatus nest is one of the elements that strengthen the relationship of birds:
a male without a nest does not attract females.
Every evening, the male akatu calls on the female almost until dark, and sleeps
very little. In the mornings, when the sun warms up the earth enough and updrafts
appear, the large bird easily takes off in a weak headwind.
This male already had several failures in succession in choosing a mate. Last
season, the female turned out to be too aggressive: obeying the heightened parental
instinct, she did not allow the male with the prey to approach the chick. As
a result, the chick died from malnutrition – she could not fully feed it herself,
while protecting the chick from the male. When the weak chick began to learn
to fly, it simply fell out of the nest and crashed. After its death, nothing
else connected the mates anymore, and that female flew away.
The male akatu is ready to call on the female not only in the evening, but also
during the day. While the dry season comes to an end, the pair should form and
begin to incubate the clutch: the chick should have time to grow up at the most
favorable time of the year. Therefore, the akatu male begins daily mating calls
even earlier: around the noon. Hovering over the grassy plains scorched by the
sun, he screams, inflating his throat sac. The huge bird is noticeable from
afar, and this tactic bears fruit: when the male flew over a half-dried river,
he heard a distant answer to his call. For the sake of the great purpose of
procreation, the male akatu violated the invisible, but well-guarded borders
of the neighboring area, and uttered a call-out cry once again. There was no
doubt: he received an answer again. In addition, it was not the voice of a male,
but of a female. From the top of one large tree that grew in the river valley,
a powerful representative of his species – a young and obviously ready for nesting
female – flew up to meet the male. Akatu females are larger than males and weigh
more than they weigh. Usually the male is careful in his relationship with the
female, but at some moments, he shows remarkable courage. It happened so in
the first minutes of the meeting of the two feathered giants: the male chased
after the female, and, accepting his rules of the game, she began to flee from
him, like a hunted prey. At this moment, the birds checked each other: the female
assessed the speed and agility of the male, and the male – the ability of the
female to obey. Having caught up with the female, the male made her fly sharply
upward, and then followed her, overtook her, and turned to the rock, where he
had an almost finished nest. The female followed him, keeping behind and slightly
Landing on the nest, the akatu male stretched its half-lowered wings like fans,
and began rhythmically stepping from one foot to another, raising his head and
displaying the female the blue skin on his throat. At this time, his swollen
throat sac swayed to the beat of his rhythmic steps. The female, perching on
the edge of the nest, watched the male displaying a slow and awkward dance.
Then the most important moment in the courtship of akatu male came: bowing his
head and showing the attackable back of his head to the female, he pulled a
twig out of the nest and gave it to the female. Bowing her head, the akatu female
carefully took a twig from his beak, and stuck it back into the bottom of the
nest. Mutual trust of the birds was achieved and a new akatu pair formed.
In other birds of the Gran Chaco, the courtship ritual is much faster, and the
partners do not follow any complex rituals too much. Right under the nest of
akatu small beetle birds – a suboscine species of passerine birds – make their
nests. The mating season at this bird stretches for more than six months, and
in the same rainy season, beetle birds manage to hatch chicks three times. The
male of this bird settled under the nest of the akatu at the time, when the
male threw thick branches on the base of the old nest. The huge predator many
times saw a shiny green bird with bright red belly and two long black “antennae”
above its eyes scurrying around its nest. However, he did not drive this little
feathered neighbor away: it is difficult for a large akatu to catch a small
nimble bird. The presence of a beetle bird is even beneficial for the large
bird: this small bird catches skillfully the mosquitoes, stinging bare head
of akatu, and flies that are attracted by food debris in the akatu’s nest. In
the evenings, when the mosquitoes are especially active, the male akatu felt
that a small beetle bird was constantly keeping next to him, eating these annoying
Even before the male akatu met the female, the beetle bird male was completely
absorbed in courtship: he also sang for several days in a row. The trill of
this bird is not particularly difficult and is similar to the monotonous voice
of a cricket. Beetle birds are much more numerous than akatu, therefore, two
or three days after the start of mating calls, the beetle bird male acquired
several females. These birds immediately began to carry dry grass and build
nests at the base of the akatu’s nest. The male, on whose territory they settled,
from time to time helped them with the construction of their nests, but for
the most part he was engaged in the protection of the territory from rivals.
In the mating season, the beetle bird male becomes very cocky: he attacks other
males appeared nearby, and does not give them the opportunity to “draw away”
the female to them. Wherever he hears a voice similar to his own, he seeks the
enemy. It happens that a beetle bird male attacks even crickets and grasshoppers
that have settled nearby. The predator is safe for beetle birds and reliably
protects them from enemies – birds of prey simply do not risk approaching akatu’s
nest. Beetle birds female do not waste their time: they quickly gathered grass
and made spherical nests among the branches at the base of akatu nest. This
benefits the akatu: the building activity of the beetle birds strengthens the
predator’s nest.
By the time a female appeared in the nest of the akatu, chicks were already
squeaking in the nests of the beetle birds, and their mothers were catching
insects among the vines and over the nest of the akatu. Occasionally, the beetle
bird male helps the females to feed their offspring, visiting their nests one
after another, but he prefers to engage in “foreign policy”, protecting the
In the nests of beetle birds, there are 2-3 eggs, and when the clutch is lost,
the bird easily makes a new one. In contrast, akatu often has only one egg in
its clutch, and if it falls out of the nest, is broken or turns out to be unfertilized,
the birds no longer nest this season. The female treats the egg as the greatest
treasure: she hides a freshly laid egg under her body, and does not allow the
male to approach it for a long time. When the male gets too close to her, the
female hisses and clicks with her beak, warning him about her displeasure. But
this only lasts for a few days. The male feeds the female, and her aggressiveness
softens gradually.
Later, the female already trusts the male to incubate the egg and flies away
from the nest – she needs to maintain her physical shape and needs to care for
the plumage. The female takes dust baths and baths in shallow lakes near the
rocks where the nest is located. In the akatu family, there is a certain division
of responsibilities – while incubating an egg, the female spends more time at
the nest, and the male carries food to her: small animals swallowed whole, and
pieces of meat of large prey. The birds do not care too much about the cleanliness
in the nest: some pieces of meat fall through the loose litter and begin to
rot, attracting flocks of flies. Insects lay eggs on the remains of akatu prey,
and soon their fat white maggots crawl in the thickness of the nest. Akatus
are oblivious to these little things, but their neighbors, the beetle birds,
are very interested in the uninvited guests. They deftly scurry between thick
branches, of which the base of the akatu nest is made, and peck larvae from
the remains of food of the akatu and from the litter of the nest. This food
is easy to get for them, but the birds should be careful: the hatching female
can simply peck and eat them.
Akatu male and female express signs of affection to each other: returning from
the hunt, the male gently touches the beak of the incubating female before regurgitating
a portion of meat. The egg even more strengthens the bonds of partners: it becomes
the center of their universe, and determines the relationship of the birds.
Only acting in common, a pair of akatu is able to hatch and raise a chick successfully.
Sometimes the shadows of the past return. Last year was unsuccessful for the
akatu male: the chick died and the couple broke up. But one day this past came
back. When the female akatu incubated the egg, and the male was busy with the
hunt, the silhouette of a huge bird appeared over the mountain plateau. The
female akatu recognizes her partner from afar by the features of the flight,
and she sees that the bird approaching the nest is not her mate. It is not even
a male, but a completely alien female. More precisely, this female is not familiar
to her, but the male, if he was near, would certainly recognize her: this is
the female that nested here last year. She hopes to continue the relationship
with the male, but it looks like she is late hopelessly. The nesting season
has already begun long ago, and a third of the long incubation of the egg has
already passed: the time is hopelessly lost. Moreover, the male already has
a pair.
The lawful owner of the nest meets the unknown female on approach to the nest
– during the incubation, she perceives the approach of an unfamiliar congener
as a sign of aggression. The alien female clearly did not expect such a turn
of events, and was confused when another bird flew up to meet her with a warning
cry. The owner of the nest shows with all her might that she is ready to defend
the right to motherhood at any cost, and at that moment her rival made a fatal
mistake, the cause of which was her hereditary increased aggressiveness. Instead
of turning around and flying away, she pounced on the owner of the nest, and
a battle of giants began in the air. The heavy birds find it difficult to perform
aerobatics, so even in the air they expect to win with brute force. Two females
fly trying to rise above the opponent and kick her on the back. They scream
loudly and beat each other on the head with their wings. Akatu flight feathers
have very hard shafts, so the blows are strong and unpleasant. The fight, with
some breaks, lasts about two hours, and is very exhausting for the birds. When
they rest, the owner of the nest hurries to the precious egg, and her rival
rests on the ledge not far from the nest. The two resting females see each other,
and this further increases their aggressiveness towards each other. It is difficult
to say how long the fight of these birds could have lasted if the male had not
returned. He successfully hunted in the plains, and returned with several pieces
of meat in his gorge. It is difficult for him to fly, but the sight of two birds
fighting near his nest gave him strength and determination. A few more powerful
flaps of his wings, and he burst into air combat. The pair jointly protects
the nest and the egg from the lonely female, and she will not be able to stand
alone against two birds, even with her strength and aggressiveness. The lonely
female flies away, and the female owning the nest chases her for some time,
kicks her on the back and screams. That lonely female will no longer be able
to nest this year – she lost time, and there is no single male left in the vicinity.
Perhaps she would be lucky next year – akatus live long and are able to nest
for several decades. She flies away from the territory of the akatu pair, and
will not return here. The male and female return to the nest together, and she
immediately covers the egg with her body and gently rolls it under her side
by the beak. The male begins to regurgitate pieces of meat and gives them to
the female from beak to another. After the meal, the female permits the male
to be closer to the precious egg, and he takes a seat next to her. The birds
gently touch each other’s feathers with their beaks, and the male begins to
gently cleanse the skin near the eyes of the female – it is the top degree of
confidence in these predators.
Clouds gather in the afternoon. The sky turns overcast and a cool wind blows
from the Atlantic Ocean. It brings a relief to nature: it gets colder a little
bit, and the inhabitants of the South American plains hide in shelters. The
clouds become more and more numerous, and soon they merge into a single veil,
behind which the sun is hidden. In the northeast, lightnings strike the sky,
and soon thunderbolts are heard over the Gran Chaco. Then raindrops pound on
the ground, damping dust down and turning clay into mud. The rain intensifies
from hour, and falls throughout the evening and most of the night. The water
flows down the stone cornice, and it is rather dry in the nest of the akatu
– only sometimes gusts of wind shower the birds with rain. In bad weather, even
a beetle bird male stopped its annoying trill, and hid in one of the nests made
by his numerous “mates for life”… only for one season.
The beginning of the rainy season is a time of plenty for most of the inhabitants
of the South American plains. After a good rain, the rhizomes of plants, which
have been in torpor for several months, wake up and the plains become overgrown
with fresh lush vegetation in a few days. Young foliage begins to grow on the
trees, and some of them immediately begin to bloom, arranging bright accents
in the palette of green shades of the plain landscape.
Leaves and grass represent the food of the many herbivorous mammals that inhabit
the area. The Gran Chaco is home to some of the largest mammals in South America
during the Neocene. Among them, tapirotherium, one of the last odd-toed ungulates,
is remarkable with its unusual appearance. Having survived in the inaccessible
remnants of the forests of South America, the ancestors of this mammal turned
into an unusual animal, remotely resembling elephants of the Holocene epoch.
Huge animals, reaching four meters in length and two meters at the shoulders,
roam the Gran Chaco in herds numbering dozens of individuals. Their bodies are
covered with dark brown hair, and against such background the mobile cross-striped
trunk is well visible. With the help of their trunks, animals communicate: the
trunk allows them to emit a wide range of sounds, and its position expresses
the mood of the animal. Tapirotherium herds are in constant motion – staying
somewhere for a long time, they could destroy all vegetation, like elephants
once did in Africa. It seems that the tapirotheres are very happy with the beginning
of the rainy season: they wander with great pleasure in the pouring rain. When
the trees begin to cover with fresh foliage, tapirotheres feast on fresh growth:
they break branches with their trunks and put them in their mouths, and some
gourmands stand on their hind legs, leaning on the tree trunk and reaching with
their trunk to the juicy leaflets inaccessible to most inhabitants of the Gran
Tapirotheres are very fond of water: these animals have a great need for drinking
water, and in drought they did not go far from drying up rivers. In hot weather,
these animals love to swim and wallow for a long time on the sandy riverbank,
peeling off parasites from their skins. Where tapyroteria take sand baths, deep
pits form on the sloping bank of the river. When a herd of tapirotheres approaches
one of such places, the animals are seized with excitement: they noticeably
accelerate their pace, hoping to occupy a deeper hole. Water seeps at the bottom
of some of the pits, and such places are especially loved by tapyroterias. They
quickly take up sandy baths and begin to throw sand over themselves with their
feet and trunk. The old female, the leader of the herd, unceremoniously drives
out the young female from the pit she likes, and lies down in the cool sand.
She has been leading a herd for many years and has earned a better place for
herself. Several young tapirotheres did not get personal sand pits, and they
decided to frolic in the water. Juveniles enter shallow water, scaring away
schools of small fish, and splash, raising clouds of silt from the bottom. Like
elephants, young tapirotheres pour water on their bodies from their trunks.
This skill is very useful for them, especially in a drought: a large animal
suffers greatly from the heat and it is especially important for it to be able
to cool down.
When a flat head with small eyes and wide mobile nostrils appeared from under
water, the frightened young tapirotheres ran ashore. An animal gets out to the
shore, shaking its small ears and snorting. Long, bushy whiskers and two pairs
of large white incisors indicate that it is a rodent. But what a rodent is it!
In size, this animal is only slightly inferior to tapirotherium, although in
weight it may well compete with it. It is barocavia – the largest rodent on
Earth in the Neocene epoch. Having sniffed the air, the barocavia indifferently
passes by the tapirotheres, resting on the shore, and goes into the tall reeds.
Among the stalks of giant marsh plants, its relatives graze, tamping and devouring
juicy greens with crunching. Being next to these giants, you can almost not
be afraid of an attack of a large predator. Therefore, next to the barocavias,
their smaller relatives feed – giant pacas, pig-sized rodents with armored cheeks,
of brown color with white spots on the rump. These animals keep in one common
herd and are not afraid of ground predators. From time to time, the barocavias,
having eaten their fill, enter the water and dive. They swim several meters
under water, touching the bottom only with the tips of hoof-like claws, and
emerge in the middle of the river, where the current has washed over a small
sandbank. Giant pacas do not swim so far from the shore, and go into the water
only up to shoulder depth. They are always on the lookout and must be wary of
other animals: a monstrous tyrannocharax fish with powerful jaws and sharp teeth
is found in the river. Tyrannocharax reaches about four meters in length and
is remarkable in its ferocity – it is a monster, whose presence must be reckoned
with by everyone who is smaller and weaker than this one, and sometimes even
larger animals are not immune from its spontaneous and violent attacks. Usually
the fish hides in shallow waters and waits for prey, frozen at the bottom motionlessly.
Tyrannocharax eats everything from turtles and fish to giant pacas and young
barocavias. In the hot season, when the oxygen content in the water is low,
the presence of tyrannocharax is easy to detect from afar – the fish from time
to time emerges for a portion of air, inhaling it with the help of a swim bladder,
which performs the function of a lung. At this moment, a hoarse sound is heard
over the water. Hearing it, the animals on the shore rush to leave this place
as soon as possible. But they are calm: at such a moment the tyrannocharax does
not hunt. But when the fish does not appear at the surface for too long, it
is much more frightening. Tyrannocharaxes replace crocodiles in the rivers of
the tropical region of South America.
The male akatu, flying over the river, sees more than animals on land. The herd
of tapirotheres resting in the sand looks tempting, but in fact it is completely
out of reach for the feathered predator – these animals are too strong and it
is very easy for them to crush the akatu into a cake. Barocavias are stupid,
and there are some cubs among them, that can be attacked. Akatu has experience
in attacking these animals, but now they graze among the plants, where the akatu
with its huge wings will be simply helpless. From a height of its flight, the
akatu male sees in the river silhouettes of frightening fish sliding in shallow
water and waiting for an inexperienced or weak animal to be away from the rest.
The akatu male not only hunts: he lives his habitual life, and hunting is only
a part of it. He enjoys teasing tyrannocharaxes. To do this, it descends and
quickly flies over the very surface of the reservoir. Frightened by his shadow,
the large tyrannocharax abruptly rushes to the side and huddles into the reeds,
convulsively hitting its tail and raising a cloud of silt and rotting plants
from the bottom.
The akatu male appeared near the river for a reason: it is more likely to find
prey here. Satisfied with the spectacle of the fearful fish in panic, the akatu
male flies up and circles over the river valley. Its eyes and nostrils work
together to enhance the hunting efficiency of the bird. Among the many smells
of the ground, carried by the ascending air currents, the bird clearly distinguishes
the smell of blood that is desired for it. Apparently the tyrannocharax recently
wounded a young barocavia, and its wound is still bleeding. The bird of prey
instantly reacts to the smell, and begins losing height. The akatu male flies
over a herd of barocavias, trying to identify the wounded animal and assess
the possibility of an attack. When it flies too low over the herd, several adult
animals raise their heads and roar, baring their sharp incisors and trying to
drive off the akatu male. But these threats have little effect over the akatu
male: he knows from his own experience that in barocavia herds each animal protects
only itself, and only the female takes care of the cubs. But adolescents are
the most convenient targets for attack: they are still too weak to defend themselves
against the akatu, but their parents no longer care about them. Having flown
over the herd of barocavias once again, the akatu male definitely detected his
future prey: a juvenile barocavia, with a piece of skin hanging on its shoulder
– its skin is ripped open by the sharp teeth of a tyrannocharax. The young barocavia
managed to escape from this fish, but now the blood attracted another predator
– the akatu.
Akatu is not able to attack barokavias from the air – for this purpose, its
claws are too thick and blunt. Therefore, the bird begins to chase the herd
of barocavias along the ground. The akatu male lands not far from the herd and
approaches the animals, walking on his strong legs. The wounded barocavia as
if feels that the bird wants to attack it, so it tries to hide among adult animals.
But adult barocavies are stupid and can be easily frightened with deceit. Approaching
the herd, the akatu male stretches its wings and roars deafeningly with the
help of the resonator sac on the throat. Such a “performance”, started unexpectedly,
frightens the barocavias, and the herd gradually begins to move away from the
bird of prey. When adult rodents move away from the akatu, the wounded animal
appears exposed for a while. The male akatu does not waste its time and attacks
it furiously: catches up and strikes with his beak at the side of the prey.
When an adult beast turns towards him, the akatu male retreats just as quickly.
He is cautious with reason – barocavia’s incisors are very sharp, and few land
predators will dare to fight an adult barocavia one-on-one in an open battle.
But the akatu is patient. The bird attacks its intended prey for a long time
– within half an hour, the male akatu inflicts several more deep wounds on the
wounded barocavia, and dark streaks of blood appear on the beast’s fur. The
animal weakens with every minute, and the smell of blood scares off the adult
barocavias from it. Gradually, the herd retreats, leaving the wounded congener
alone with the predator. The akatu male continues its attacks, and soon the
young barocavia falls on the ground, being exhausted from blood loss, and dies.
The prey went to the predator.
In a world where many different predators live side by side, it is necessary
not only to kill the prey, but also to be able to take advantage of it. Akatu
hastily tears the skin of the giant rodent with his beak, and begins to peck
out the meat and entrails of the prey. This bird will not be able to eat a lot
of meat for a variety of reasons. A huge akatu is at the limit of the flying
ability available to birds; therefore, having eaten too much meat, the bird
may simply not take off. The second reason is that large prey attracts many
freeloaders. A flock of hunting herons is hiding in the bush not far from the
akatu hunting site. Seeing that the akatu had already begun to eat its prey,
several birds grew bolder and decided to approach the carcass of the barocavia.
For a while, the akatu is able to hold back the pressure of hungry hunting herons.
When these birds get too close, akatu spreads his wings and screams loudly,
scaring them away. The male gorges himself hastily: hunting herons are getting
bolder, and sooner or later there will be too many of them here to be scared
away. The akatu does not want to get involved in a fight with them: the slightest
damage can deprive the male of the ability to fly. There is too much meat on
the carcass of a young barocavia even for the large bird to eat everything,
and some of it will certainly go to other carnivores.
Having swallowed a few more pieces, the male akatu moves away from the carcass,
runs up against the wind, flaps its wings and takes off from the ground. He
flies up and makes a large circle over the place of a successful hunt. The akatu
sees how hunting herons gather around the carcass of the barocavia and begin
to tear off pieces of meat. However, he sees a lot of things that the hunting
herons, busy with feeding, do not notice. A shadow slides over the place where
these flightless birds are feasting, and a giant akatu lands next to them, followed
by another one. These birds have long felt the smell of blood, and gathered
near the place of successful hunting, waiting for their turn. In the presence
of winged giants, hunting herons do not feel too confident and retreat. Other
akatus begin to tear the meat of the barocavia, occasionally giving each other
sideways glances. After their feeding, on the carcass of the barocavia there
will remain not too much meat, which hunting herons will be able to consume:
these birds can not gnaw bones like carnivorous mammals do, and the most part
of the meat rests after akatu feeding will be consumed by other carnivores.
The male actively delivers food to the hatching female. Perching on the edge
of the nest, he regurgitates pieces of meat, swallowed after the successful
barocavia hunting, and feeds them to the female. Flies are hovering around the
male, being attracted by the smell of meat, and several beetle birds appear
at once. Green-and-red birds deftly seize the insects, bothering huge akatus,
and immediately rush to their nests, where hungry chicks await them. In akatu,
more than half of the egg incubation period has already passed, and the female
will need to incubate the egg not for too long. But at her a problem has exacerbated,
that always accompanies any kind of living creatures – in the plumage of the
bird parasites are established. While the female incubates the egg, she spends
less time for herself, and parasitic insects actively reproduce in her plumage.
The incubating female begins to scratch and shake herself, trying to make itch
they cause to her go away in any way.
The plumage of the akatu is inhabited by several species of very small ticks.
Some of them eat the dying upper layer of the epidermis, others settle in feather
follicles, and still others simply suck the bird’s blood and hide under the
feathers of the akatu. One of the specific parasites of this species is the
goliath bird louse. This is the largest bird louse in the world – its length
reaches 3 centimeters, which is quite a lot compared to most of the insects
of this order, which do not exceed a few millimeters in length. This mobile
insect clings to the feathers of akatu with short hook-shaped legs, and is additionally
fixed between the feathers overlapping each other with the help of hooks growing
in rows on its flat abdomen. Goliath bird louse gnaws at the feathers of a bird
like how caterpillars do with plant leaves.
Once a day, the female akatu allows herself to leave the nest and swim in a
shallow river at the foot of a mountain plateau where the pair’s nest is located.
She gets up from the nest, gently rolls the egg away from the edge with its
beak and lays a dried bush branch on it – this action will make the egg less
noticeable to aerial predators. Having made few steps, the akatu female stops
at the edge of the nest, opens her wings, and begins to stretch the muscles
that have become numb after a long incubation. She stretches and then flaps
her wings intensively for several minutes. Having refreshed herself, the akatu
female takes into the air and flies down in circles to the ground, where the
small river flows along the rocky bed. Without wasting her time, the bird enters
the river and sits in the shallow water, spreading its wings slightly. She hastily
takes a bath, shakes herself heavily, and steps out from the water. Water slightly
cools the fervor of the numerous parasites. Some of them were simply washed
away, and many ones had to seek shelter from the water on the back of the bird.
The akatu female stops on the riverbank and shakes herself violently several
times. The feathering of the bird is impregnated with water, so it flies back
with difficulty. The sedentary lifestyle, which the female akatu led for the
last weeks, also affected her condition: the bird rests halfway to the nest,
standing on a small ledge of the rock. Having reached the nest, the female shakes
herself at its edge once again, and continues to incubate the precious egg.
During the rainy season, the rivers of the Gran Chaco overflow their banks and
flood the area around. In clear weather, the sun warms up shallow rivers, and
various fish gather in deeper parts of channels, where the water is cooler and
contains more oxygen. Flying over the rivers, the akatu male sees fish sides
shining in the sunlight – schools of fish keep farther from the shore.
Where there is no water, dirt often remains, therefore, deermaras, swifl-footed
cursorial rodents, leave to these places: they are not adapted to movement on
swampy ground. On the contrary to them, sluggish semi-aquatic mammals enjoy
an abundance of food during the rain season.
In hot weather, barocavias love to swim. These rodents inherited from their
ancestor, capybara, the love for water, and spend there about half of their
life on average. Barocavia herd grazes in the coastal vegetation from evening
to morning, and after dawn goes into the river. When the rivers of the Gran
Chaco flood in the rainy season, barocavias are in a time of abundance and enjoyment
of life. It is a great pleasure for the huge rodents to stay in cool water in
the heat of the day. These giant animals as if loose their weight in the water,
and move gracefully, lightly touching the bottom of the river with the tips
of hoof-like claws. When the barocavia is resting in the river, only the upper
part of its flattened head with protruding eyes and nostrils appears above the
water surface. In the mat of floating vegetation, swimming barocavia may escape
from the sight of the predator watching from the riverbank.
Predators of the Gran Chaco are found not only on land, but also in the water
– everyone coming to the river to swim or constantly living in the water should
remember it and be careful. The splash and clatter of barocavia herd awakened
a stagnated underwater predator. The body, covered with large scales with a
mesh pattern, moved slightly. The dorsal fin of a huge fish opened as the dull
stomp of barocavia feet sounded under the water. An adult tyrannocharax took
a residency in this part of the river channel and hunted here for many months.
This fish spent the dry season in a deep pool, which turned into a pond with
dirty water at that time. In the drought, tyrannocharax ate all the fish trapped
next to him. When there were no edible neighbors left, the predator caught ducks
feeding on the surface of the water, and several times attacked the turtles,
which tried to wait the drought in his pond. He survived this difficult time,
and when a water’s great returned, the fish began to pretend to much larger
prey than during the drought.
Tyrannocharax swims near the shallow water area, where barocavias are splashing.
It is in no hurry to attack – large animals weigh much more than the fish itself.
In addition, they are numerous, and they can simply drag the predator into shallow
water and trample it. In the Holocene, African hippos did so when they attacked
crocodiles and sharks. Barocavias are no less dangerous – one movement of their
sharp white incisors can bite through the spine of tyrannocharax. Therefore,
the fish is cautious, and carefully chooses its prey. There is a suitable prey
in the herd of giant rodents – one young barocavia two months old is smaller
and weaker than the other animals. It is young, and has not yet encountered
the monsters of the rivers. This adolescent instinctively tries to stay close
to large adults, but it makes a mistake at some point: the adult barocavia heads
for the shore and the adolescent one appears exposed to attack. Tyrannocharax
does not hesitate: the monster attacks the young barocavia with all possible
fury. The sharp teeth of the tyrannocharax rip open the side of the young barocavia,
and a cry of pain echoes over the water surface. When hearing it, adult barocavias
begin to get out on the shore. The wounded Barocavia tries to do the same desperately,
but it grows weaker by the minute. The water around it was already stained with
blood, and the smell of blood excited the tyrannocharax. The huge fish snaps
in the leg the beast trying to escape and drags it to the depths. Barocavia
tries to free itself by striking the tyrannocharax with its hind paw, but the
fish is able to suppress the prey’s resistance. Tyrannocharax drags the tearing
itself away prey into the depths, and simply waits, keeping its teeth clenched.
The movements of the caught animal become weaker, and air bubbles emerge from
its mouth. A few minutes later, the barocavia chokes and dies. When the prey’s
movements stopped, the fish unclenched its jaws, and the carcass of the young
barocavia emerged to the surface of the water. Tyrannocharax has sharp cutting
teeth, similar to those of a shark or piranha. The great fish begins to tear
its prey, and even ripping open the thick skin of barocavia is not difficult
for it. With its sharp teeth, tyrannocharax cuts off large pieces of flesh from
the prey’s body and swallows them whole. He is not alone in the hope to eat
well: a school of small fishes swims near the huge predator. While the tyrannocharax
is eating, not a single fish longer than ten centimeters will swim up to its
prey – the predator can simply diversify its dinner with it. However, predator
just doesn’t pay attention to any small fry; therefore, pieces of its prey go
to various small motley fish and water beetles that live in the rivers of the
Gran Chaco. They are too small for the tyrannocharax to catch any of these creatures.
In the afternoon, the tattered and half-eaten barocavia body is already lying
in shallow water. Several water beetles with shiny black elytra sit on it, and
shrimps with long thin claws crawl in the water next to the remains of the rodent.
Now, however, its scent attracts not only aquatic, but also terrestrial inhabitants.
One of the inhabitants of Gran Chaco takes a special interest in the remains
of the tattered barocavia. It cautiously comes out of the tall grass, stepping
with its legs that have thick claws looking like hooves. This animal resembles
a dwarf armored horse with a thick tail and short neck. Movable thin ears with
blood vessels visible through skin twitch when the animal listens to surrounding
sounds. This bush dweller is a donkey armadillo, an omnivorous local mammal.
It eats a variety of foods – from berries and invertebrates to partly decomposed
carrion. This edentate is distinguished by its amazing strength with a relatively
small stature – a little more than half a meter. The donkey armadillo pulls
the remains of the barocavia to the shore, hoping to eat well, but it only manages
to move the carcass a little. Having tried several more times to pull the remains
of the barocavia ashore, it simply enters the water and eats the meat, tearing
off pieces with its small teeth. The donkey armadillo is well protected by its
shell from the most part of predators, so it is among the first to eat up the
remains of the prey of hunting herons and other predators. Sometimes donkey
armadillo feeds on the prey of these birds, when the hunters themselves have
not finished eating yet. He does not pay attention to the blows of their beaks
and legs: these birds cannot cause it much harm. But its courage still has a
limit: when the shadow of akatu male slid over it, the donkey armadillo ran
away from the carcass and hid in the bushes. The akatu male landed next to the
remains of the giant rodent and began to eat. He tears off the meat, which has
just begun to deteriorate, and swallows it in large chunks. The male not only
eats for himself, but also gathers food for the female, which is still hatching
their only egg. But today, he will bring the female more than just food.
While the male was feeding on the barocavia meat, a small insect appeared in
the air. It became very interested in the huge bird that was busy tearing the
meat, not paying any attention to the world around it. The insect flew around
the bird several times, choosing a place to land on it. This creature has a
long abdomen, slightly drooping in flight, like a wasp. But, unlike wasps, this
insect is not black and yellow, but black and red. Its wings produce a deep
droning, also not similar to the buzzing of a wasp. In addition, the insect
flies with the help of two hind wings, and the two front wings, which represent
opaque, hard and shiny elytra, open to the sides and upward. The insect’s antennae
also do not look like a wasp’s ones – they are feathery. Landing on the plumage
of the akatu male, the insect neatly folds a pair of long wings under short
elytra of bright red color, and hides among the feathers of the bird. This kind
of insect is the predatory feather beetle. At first glance, this insect does
not look like most beetles: its body is not round and stocky, but elongated
and flexible. This is a representative of the rove beetle family. Feather beetles,
as well as giant chewing lice, appeared in South America along with giant birds.
The feather beetle is poisonous: its hemolymph contains acrid substances that
make it inedible. And its color will be remembered for a long time by a predator
risked attacking it.
Having climbed into the plumage of the akatu male, the feather beetle freezes,
clinging to the feather. The huge bird tore off a few more pieces from the remains
of the barocavia, hastily swallowed it, and moved away from the animal carcass.
The male must hurry: the female is waiting for him in the nest. In the process
of evolution, akatu has reached the maximum size possible for a flying bird.
Therefore, every extra kilogram of swallowed meat can cause unnecessary difficulties
for him when returning home. To take off, the akatu male must use a headwind.
Standing up against the wind, the bird begins a run-up, flapping its wings.
Having accelerated, the akatu makes several strong wing flaps, and takes off
from the ground. The take-off is the most difficult part of the flight for this
massive bird. Having found a powerful stream of rising air, the akatu can soar
easily and effortlessly for hours, looking for food. The male has already found
enough food for himself and for the female, which is waiting for him in the
nest. Therefore, he goes straight to the rocky plateau, on the slope of which
there is his nest.
When the huge bird got out of sight, the donkey armadillo got out of the bushes
and continued to tear the meat of the dead barocavia. In the dry season, carrion
makes up a significant part of the diet of this edentate, and in the rainy season
it willingly eats plants. But at the right opportunity, this beast does not
refuse food of animal origin.
The akatu male quickly reached the nest. The female greeted him with a welcoming
click of her beak, and then gently took the belched piece of meat from his beak.
While the huge birds exchanged greetings and the male fed the female, one uninvited
guest began his life, hidden from prying eyes. Feeling that the male akatu is
resting, the feather beetle hidden in its plumage, began to stir. The insect
opened its sensitive feathery antennae, and began to turn its head, defining
the smell desired for it. The feather beetle is attracted by parasites – huge
goliath bird lice that have settled in the feathers of the akatu. It was the
smell of these insects gnawing at the feathers of the akatu that attracted the
Possible prey items of the feather beetle, goliath bird lice cause a lot of
harm to the akatu. They settle on body feathers, preferring places that are
inaccessible for the bird’s beak. Usually this insect gnaws the feather barbs
along the edge, like a caterpillar eating a leaf of a plant. When the akatu
female, incubating the egg, shakes herself, the barbs of its feathers, gnawed
by parasites, literally rain from her. Bird lice can crawl quickly, and their
movement among the feathers makes the female akatu constantly scratch and shake
herself. But in this way, she cannot get rid of annoying parasites. The activity
of the goliath bird lice can be dangerous: if there are too many of them, they
can easily damage the vanes of the flight feathers, which will impair the flight
ability of the akatu. Therefore, the female, on which many goliath bird lice
have bred, needs help. And this help came: at night, while the male akatu slept,
pressed against the side of the female, a feather beetle crawled out of his
plumage. After a little hesitation, the insect crawled onto the female and disappeared
in her plumage.
The confrontation between predators and prey is very acute both in the world
of giants and among dwarfs. The feather beetle is very small in comparison with
the akatu, but is no less bloodthirsty and skillful in hunting. Akatu hunts
on the plains stretching for many kilometers, and the insect feels as free and
constitutionally among its feathers. The feather beetle starts hunting for the
goliath bird lice. It climbs deftly in the plumage of the bird, wriggling and
crawling into the tightest cracks. It is adapted to moving among akatu feathers
as well as a bird louse. Sight does not help the feather beetle in hunting,
but a keen sense of smell allows it to pursue the bird louse freely as in the
open. The beetle follows the trail of the parasitic insect, moving its antennae.
Goliath bird lice feel that they have an enemy: the parasites chased by the
beetle are trying to flee. The pursued chewing louse escapes from the beetle
among the feathers of the bird, wriggling like a worm. It helps itself to move,
pushing off by the bristles growing on the sides of the abdominal segments.
But the feather beetle inherited speed of movement from its ancestors, and easily
catches up with its prey. The parasitic insect tries to hide from him under
the wing of the akatu. The movement of insects on sensitive skin greatly disturbs
the hatching akatu female: she jumps to her feet and shakes herself. A feather
beetle falls out of its plumage, holding a wriggling bird louse in its mandibles.
The pale and red-and-black insects curl up in one ball in their last fight.
The goliath bird louse has no chance: its soft body wriggles helplessly in the
strong mandibles of the feather beetle, and then hangs lifelessly, being bitten
through. The beetle crawls into the litter of the akatu nest, where deals with
its prey without disturbance, and then returns back to the akatu female’s plumage.
One beetle bird spots the feather beetle while it is hunting. These mobile little
neighbors of akatu actively use the remains of the feathered giant’s prey, hunting
flies that flock to the smell of a free treat. Having noticed a large insect
flashing among the feathers of the akatu female, the beetle bird tries to catch
it. The tiny bird carefully watches the feathers moving on the side of the akatu
female, and then rushes with a piercing squeak and snatches the feather beetle.
The insect caught by the bird opens its short elytra and shows a bright red
spot hidden under them. The beetle bird did not let it go, and did not attach
importance to this gesture of the insect, paying for it immediately: the beetle
released a drop of acrid liquid, and its poison burned the mucous membranes
in the bird’s mouth. Spitting out the insidious insect, the beetle bird perched
on a vine, hanging from the stone ledge above the akatu’s nest, and began to
sneeze squeakily. It will remember this lesson for a long time. And the feather
beetle, neatly folded its wings under short elytra, climbed back into the plumage
of the akatu female.
For the next few days, the akatu female, hatching the egg, is still shaking
and cleaning itself, when the feather beetle crawls in its plumage in pursuit
of parasites. On the other hand, she feels better and better: the predatory
beetle has destroyed a significant part of the parasites. The feather beetle
exterminated almost all adult goliath bird lice and many older larvae. When
the amount of prey became too small for it, the beetle simply flew away. But
it did not exterminate all the parasites: most of the larvae in the early stages
of development managed to survive. They will grow up soon and the bird will
need to be sanitized again. Even the most skillful predator will never destroy
all its prey items, otherwise it will simply die of hunger.
The first brood of beetle birds has left the nests and flied away in the neighbourhood
a long time ago. The male had time to perform his annoying trills again, and
the females attracted by him are already hatching new clutches – the second
generation since the beginning of wet season. And at this time, a long-awaited
event takes place in the akatu’s nest, and both adult birds were waiting it.
During the forty-first day of incubation, a muffled squeak began to be heard
from the egg, and in the early morning on the forty-third day, the shell cracked
from the inside, and a small hole appeared at the pointed end of the egg. Over
the course of several hours, it expanded, and after the blows of a small weak
beak from the inside of the egg, pieces fell off from the shell. Finally, at
about noon, a large piece of shell broke off and a chick fell out of the egg.
It is almost naked, blind and helpless. Without parental care, this creature
would not have lived for several hours, but from the first minutes after birth,
the chick can completely rely on the care and protection of the powerful akatu
female. When the chick got out of the egg, the female threw accurately the shell
into the depths of the rocky niche.
When the male returned from the daytime hunting, the female met him, clicking
her beak, and the male landed with caution on the edge of the nest. The female
continued hissing and clicking her beak, and the male decided to use the usual
pacification technique – to share food with her. He regurgitated a piece of
meat and gave it to the female, holding it with the tip of his beak. The female
accepted this gift, but did not swallow it. When she got up from the nest, the
male saw the reason for her aggressiveness – his own chick, a weak little creature.
The female put the meat obtained from the male on the edge of the nest and tore
off a small piece from it. Holding it in her beak, she touched the chick’s beak
with the flesh. The small creature staggered, but stretched its head up and
opened its beak. The female carefully put the meat into its beak, and the chick
began to swallow the meat, twitching its neck. It swallowed two more little
pieces and then lay on its belly. Only after that the female swallowed the remains
of the meat and greeted the male, touching the skin near his eye with her beak.
With the arrival of the chick, the parental couple has more worries. Now the
male must feed not only the female, but also the fast-growing chick, and the
female carefully tears the meat brought by him, feeds the chick, and eats only
after it is satisfied. At night, the akatu female carefully warms it, and in
the daytime she protects the chick with her shadow from the hot sun.
Small beetle birds will have a second brood soon, and the pair of giant akatu
successfully raises only one chick during the year, even if two eggs have been
laid. Akatu’s chick development should be completed in the first half of the
dry season as long as there is enough prey in nature. It should grow significantly
by the time it leaves the nest: having been born with a weight of about one
kilogram, it should gain weight about 60 kg by the time it leaves the nest.
The care of its feeding falls on the shoulders of both parents.
At the age of one month, the body of the akatu chick is covered with gray juvenile
down, through which the first true feathers begin to appeat. Until they are
covered with sheaths, the young bird looks “prickly” – long feathers rolled
to “needles” stick out from its wings and tail, on the back and nape. The chick’s
head is completely covered with down. Now it is too weak to rise to its feet:
the chick crawls along the nest, supporting on tarsi and rising to take food
brought by the parents. On the back side of its tarsi, horny “calluses” develop,
allowing the chick to move along the rigid inner part of the nest. At this age,
the female helps it to cope with large prey, tearing it apart. But she already
warms the chick much less, and occasionally leaves to hunt. She brings a variety
of small prey to the chick, which she catches near the nest, and the chick swallows
small animals whole. The male akatu still flies to hunt in the plains and attacks
large animals, or looks for carrion.
When the chick was three months old, its appearance changed significantly: the
feathers unfolded and cover its entire body now, and the remnants of the down
on the back fall out. At this age, the head of a young akatu is already naked,
but it does not have yet a blue spot on the throat characteristic for adult
birds. The young akatu no longer needs heating, but requires a lot of food.
Therefore, both adult birds spend most of their time hunting, supplying the
offspring with meat. The chick has got stronger enough; it stands confidently
on its feet and moves freely inside the nest. Its flight feathers have not fully
unfolded yet, and it is not trying to fly for now. So far, the young akatu has
only one concern – to grow well. The rain season continues; the conditions are
still favorable for the numerous herbivores of the Gran Chaco, and the akatu
chick does not lack food. Rain clouds gather in the afternoon, and by this time
the parents usually return from the hunt. Young akatu can already eat on its
own, and is able to tear apart large pieces of meat, pressing them with its
foot to the nest. When there is a warm tropical rain, adult birds and their
chick take refuge in the nest. But a young bird sometimes leaves its parents
and takes a bath: it goes to the edge of the nest and stands for some time,
being fluffed up, under the streams of rain that fall there with the wind. After
wetting the plumage, the young bird shakes itself, then moves deeper into the
rocky niche and dries. Goliath bird lice have settled in the plumage of young
akatu a long time ago, and sometimes feather beetles, attracted by the smell
of parasitic insects, visit the nest, being brought there in the feathers of
adult birds.
While the akatu chick is growing up, the beetle birds, small neighbors of the
huge feathered predators, managed to breed for the third time, and the male
finally stopped his annoying mating calls until the next rain season. Fledglings
of beetle birds, hatched in woven grass nests made right under the akatu dwelling,
began to appear near the akatu nest. They differ in color noticeably from adults:
the young bird has brown juvenile plumage without the characteristic metallic
sheen and characteristic “eyebrows” above the eyes. Fledglings of beetle birds
fly badly, and can only flip from one branch to another. They wait for their
parents, which finish their feeding for a few more days, perching on vines and
creepers stretching along the rock. But one fledgling took off from the parental
nest, and got directly into the akatu’s nest. Adult akatus would not have paid
attention to him, but their chick became interested in this little guest and
began to observe it attentively. An inexperienced beetle bird fledgling does
not even imagine what kind of danger it is exposed to, moving frivolously along
the nest, where the chick of a bird of prey sits. While the akatu chick does
not move, the fledgling of the beetle bird does not feel the danger coming from
it. The small bird flips over the nest, peeks between the branches of which
the nest is made, looking for insects. It is gradually approaching the akatu
chick, frozen in waiting. When it fluttered again, a strong beak blow killed
him on the spot. The akatu chick pecked at it as easily as the fledgling of
the beetle bird itself pecked at the flies. It snatched the lifeless body of
the small bird with its beak, and swallowed it whole. This event, ended fatally
for the beetle bird, is a good sign for the young akatu: the chick can grow
up to be a skillful hunter. But it still has a lot to learn.
The wet season has come to an end. The rainfall decreases, and sometimes rain
does not fall for several days in a row. There is still enough moisture in the
soil, and the vegetation is still sparkling with all shades of fresh greenery.
The rivers are still full-flowing, and many inhabitants of the Gran Chaco come
to their banks to drink. But in the coming months, tests for all animals and
plants will inevitably begin. About six months have passed since the akatu chick
hatched. The young bird is strikingly different from the naked and helpless
creature it was in the first day of its life. The young akatu is fully fledged
now, and its throat gradually aquires a bluish tint. After a few months, the
throat of the young bird will turn bright blue, like that of an adult. It will
mean that the young individual has become independent, but it will also be a
sign that its parents and other adult akatus will no longer treat a young bird
as tenderly as a chick. The plumage of juvenile akatu is still dimmer, rather
that at adults. The young bird has reached about 60% of the weight of an adult,
and the flight feathers on its wings have fully developed. To fly well, the
young akatu trains for a long time: it flaps its wings and jumps for hours.
At first, attempts at takeoff are unsuccessful, but gradually the training yields
a result: the bird manages to break away from the nest and hold out in the air
for several minutes, flapping its wings fiercely. Emboldened by its success,
the akatu continues its training. Another week passes, and the young akatu decides
to take its first flight. It stands at the edge of the nest, spreads its wings,
and uncertainly changes from foot to foot, not daring to take off. As if for
the first time, the akatu spreads its wings and flaps them. High altitude both
attracts and scares it away. Previously, the akatu trained while standing in
the nest, and could fold its wings, lay down and have a rest at any time. But
real flight is a more complex and dangerous endeavor. Finally, the young akatu
decisively breaks off the edge of the nest, and makes several flaps of its wings.
It is not confident in the air, and the first flight does not last long – it
continues only a few minutes. The bird makes a small circle over the rocks,
and quickly returns to the nest. The first flight turned out to be rather tiring:
the young akatu lay down on the bottom of the nest and stretched out its legs,
breathing heavily. The rest of the bird was interrupted by the parents returned
from the hunt, and the young bird began to peck greedily at the meat they regurgitated.
Being encouraged by the first success, the young bird trains longer and longer
every new day. New flights take place further and further from the nest, and
a new and previously unknown air world gradually opens up to the young birds.
Akatu learns how to search and to catch updrafts, and to use them to stay in
the air without sparing effort. Hot weather is very favorable for flight lessons:
during the day, steady updrafts appear over the rocks, and the young akatu learns
to soar. Having made a circle over the rocks, the bird got into a powerful stream,
which literally carried the young akatu over the plateau. The splendor of the
Gran Chaco opened up to the eyes of a bird: a forest on the top of a mountain
plateau, vast plains, and in the distance, in the haze of heated air, some more
mountain plateaus of the same kind. Young akatu tries not to lose sight of its
native nest, therefore it does not move away from home. It makes one more circle
in the air, and descends to the edge of the rock, under which there is the nest,
where this bird saw for the first time the light.
The young akatu looks around: from the top of the cliff, the surroundings can
be seen much better than from the nest. The bird looks around with curiosity
the unfamiliar world that has opened up to it, and notices two small, but well-known
silhouettes in the sky. These are its parents returning from hunting in the
plains. They approach, and the young bird sees them clearer and clearer. When
the mother and father flew even closer, the young bird began to call loudly
to them right from the top of the plateau. The adult akatus recognized the voice
of their chick, and hurried to the nest – they got used to the fact that the
chick’s voice came from there. Approaching the nest, they did not see their
offspring there. Instead of it, there was a bird standing right above the nest,
which they had not seen before. The adult akatus decided to find out who is
this stranger and flew to the top together. Seeing them, the unfamiliar bird
stretched its wings a little bit, slightly squatted, and... screamed with a
long-familiar voice, begging for food from the parents. The chick has grown
up and is learning to fly. The usual order of things has changed again, but
this is quite natural.
The young bird learns to fly, and every day it achieves an increasing success.
It becomes more and more difficult for parents to find their offspring after
a successful hunt – the young akatu constantly leaves the nest, exploring the
surroundings, and sometimes meets the parents already in the air. And once a
day comes when the young bird no longer remains in the nest, when the parents
fly to hunt. The young akatu leaves a cozy and safe world – a nest built on
the rock inaccessible to predators. To become a top predator of the Gran Chaco,
this bird must get to know the inhabitants of this world, and learn how to behave
correctly in their presence.
During the flight, the young bird tries to copy the behavior of the adult akatus,
and keeps closer to them. The brain of the akatu is overflowing with new sensations,
which the young bird has yet to learn to understand. Sharp eyesight and sensitive
sense of smell – these are the qualities, which help adult birds to search for
food. Young Akatu learns to establish a connection between sensations and events.
Among the many smells of the ground heated by the sun, the smells of drying
swamp mud and blood stand out: near a drying lake, a lonely hunter heron feeds
on the corpse of a giant paca. The bird managed to ambush this rodent when it
got out of the swamp, and killed it with a well-aimed blow of its beak in the
eye. It seems that the hunting heron will not be able to take advantage of the
result of its own hunt: three huge akatus descend into the grass next to it.
The hunting heron tries to display its power: it makes several aggressive attacks
towards the akatu, and snaps its beak equipped with tooth-like outgrowths along
its edges. However, the forces are too unequal: any of the adult akatus is larger
than the hunting heron. Adult akatus display their strength and excellent physical
shape: they open their huge wings and make an attack on the heron, uttering
loud trumpet sounds. The young bird hesitates for a few seconds, but notices
that the hunting heron is frightened. Then the young akatu joins its parents,
imitating their postures and movements. In this way it learns to take away prey
from other predators, and the first lesson is successful: the hunting heron
retreats, leaving the prey to the akatu family. Large birds surround the corpse
of the giant paca and eat the meat together. For adult birds, this is a very
common event, and the young akatu eats meat of a large prey directly for the
first time – before that it received it in pieces from the beak of one of its
parents. The young bird recalls how it tore up large pieces of meat, belched
up by parents returned from hunting, and tries to do the same with the carcass
of the giant paca: holding the animal’s corpse with one leg, it pulls out small
pieces of meat and swallows them. In addition, the young akatu for the first
time feels the natural taste of meat – before this moment it ate only the meat
regurgitated by adult birds. If this bird will manage to live successfully the
first years of life, it will know a lot about the taste of meat. During the
fodder shortage periods, akatu eats meat that has already begun to decompose
without harm to itself – acidic gastric juice suppresses successfully the activity
of bacteria that multiply in rotting meat. In drought, the akatu can gather
fish appeared in holes with water in the river bed, and not able to escape.
At this time, even young tyrannocharaxes can fall prey to akatu. In any season,
akatu can attack large animals of the Gran Chaco, and can defend prey in the
face of other predators. However, while the bird is young, it has to rely on
parental care and learn to be independent.
Akatu is a strong and aggressive bird. But sometimes these qualities are not
enough to survive in a world where even larger and stronger animals exist. And
then prudent retreat and simple caution turn out to be more important for survival
than the killing prowess.
Neocene South America is inhabited by a large number of endemic large animals.
The descendants of relatively small species of the human epoch evolved actively
in stable and favorable conditions, and in Neocene herds of giants roam the
plains of this continent. Among the characteristic inhabitants of the plains
there are giant beasts tapirotheres, similar to the Neogene mastodons. Huge
animals, covered with short brown wool, wander across the plain. The legs of
these animals, equipped with massive hooves, trample the bushes and crush the
trunks of young trees. Tapirotheres are the largest animals in this area, and
they may not be afraid of predators. The trunk is the most remarkable feature
of this beast. With its help, tapirotheres pluck branches on the go or pull
out bundles of grass from the ground, and put them into the mouth. Sometimes
animals stop near bushes, eating young shoots. Like elephants, tapirotheres
thin out bushes and prevent woody vegetation from forming of continuous stands.
Due to them, the Gran Chaco represents a “patchwork” of plains and forest areas,
where not only the inhabitants of forests and shrubs can exist, but also the
swift-footed inhabitants of the plains.
A donkey armadillo runs alongside the giants, in the clouds of dust raised by
their feet. The manner of movement of this edentate one is very funny – the
donkey armadillo quickly minces with its strong legs, and its thick claws as
if beat a roll of drums against the ground. Although this animal is well protected
from most predators of the plains by its shell, it prefers to stay close to
giants – it is much safer this way. When the tapirotheres stop near the bushes
and begin browsing branches, the donkey armadillo sets up a hunt for various
small animals, frightened by them. It is agile enough to trample and eat a lizard,
and insensitivity to poisons allows it to eat even poisonous beetles, crunching
their shells. When the tapirotheres, breaking the branches of the bush, scared
a little bird nesting in them, its nest and clutch became immediately the prey
of a donkey armadillo. This omnivorous creature is perfectly adapted to life
on the plains, and never lacks food.
After eating the bush, tapirotheres continued their way. At the beginning of
the dry season, they congregate near the deep rivers in the south – it is not
so hot there, and there sources of drinking water always exist. Tapirotheres
need a lot of water, and their cubs are especially sensitive to a lack of it.
If the female suffers from thirst, she stops producing milk, and the cub may
die of hunger. Therefore, these animals make annual transitions to sources of
water, or wait out drought in areas, where a sufficiently large amount of water
has kept in river beds.
During the migration, tapirotheres are especially cautious and mistrustful.
They are ready to attack any animal that they consider dangerous to themselves.
Therefore, when they spot the akatu family eating the corpse of the giant paca,
the herd becomes agitated. Tapirotheres see birds, which are instinctively connected
in their subconscious with a sense of danger, and also smell blood. As long
as these giants are healthy and strong, they do not pay attention to akatu birds.
But now the situation is completely different: in this herd of tapirotheres
there are cubs born in the last rainy season, and the herd is migrating. Tapirotherium
cubs differ from adults not only in smaller size, but also in the absence of
cross stripes on the trunk. Their presence makes adult animals more aggressive,
so the adult animals of the herd display immediately threatening postures to
predators. The animals raise their trunks and trumpet, exhale with efforts,
shake their heads and stamp their feet – these actions unambiguously express
their readiness to attack. Akatus retreat – all three birds weigh much less
than any of the adult giants of the plains, and in the case of a fight, they
will simply be trampled if they will not manage to take off. The young akatu
does not yet understand that not all animals can be driven away by a threatening
display. It is trying to repeat the same trick that it performed about half
an hour ago, when its family chased the hunting heron away from the prey. The
young bird turns to the approaching tapirotherium herd and spreads its wings
wide. In response to it, the adult tapirotherium female, leading the herd, rushes
suddenly at the birds, showing agility surprising for its size. Several more
animals rush after her, and the ground hums with their stomping. The family
of akatu is forced to flee: adult birds run away from the carcass of the giant
paca, followed by a young akatu. They accelerate, flap their wings and take
off in unison.
Having driven akatus away from the prey, tapirotheres bypass the animal’s corpse.
They utter disturbing sounds and fearfully look sideways at the carcass of giant
paca pecked by birds and emitting a frightening smell of blood. Tapirotherium
cubs, not understanding yet what the adults are afraid of, remember the smell
of blood and the disturbance of adult animals. Having heard the anxious voices
of females, cubs try to keep closer to them. They will also remember the silhouettes
of huge birds that hover in circles over the herd, and they will also begin
to associate their presence with danger.
The first day of a young akatu outside of its native nest ends. The sun is setting,
and the birds must have time to use the rising currents of warm air to return
home. The young bird has received enough survival lessons today, and now it
needs to have a rest. A few more days will pass, and the whole akatu family
will leave their nest. They will begin to wander over the vast feeding territory
of the parental pair. Young bird is rather slowly learning, and it will depend
on the hunting success of its parents for several months, making its own contribution
to it. It will feed with adult birds and learn to live in the world of mountains
and plains. But shortly before the new nesting season, the parents will drive
the young akatu from their territory, and the bird will have to look for a new
place to live. Being lucky in this difficult task, and having managed to form
a family, the young bird will become one of the winged lords of Gran Chaco and
will be able to live for quite a long time – more than half a century. It will
continue so from generation to generation, while the forces of nature are dormant,
and the habitat of giant predators is stable.
Bestiary |
(Sciopterornis acatou)
Order: Cathartiforms (Cathartiformes)
Family: Cathartids (Cathartidae)
Habitat: Andes, plateaus and adjacent plain areas.
Picture by Amplion, colorization by Biologist
Initial picture by Amplion |
In the legends of the Indians of South America, Akatu is the
mother of king vultures, a monstrous twelve-headed bird. In the Neocene epoch,
a creature appeared in the ecosystems of South America, which can compare with
this mythical bird in strength and greatness. It looks less monstrous, but no
less impressive than its legendary prototype.
In the epoch of the global ecological crisis, only a few species of birds of
prey managed to survive. Most of the feathered predators experienced hard times
in the human era: the destruction of habitats, extermination and disturbance
led to the fact that the ranges and numbers of many species, especially large
ones, decreased in great degree. Only a few flesh-eating birds have mastered
life next to humans. Among them, there were “false” birds of prey – cathartids,
more akin to storks. One of their representatives, turkey vulture (Cathartes
aura), achieved particular success in the struggle for existence. It has retained
a high abundance and a wide range in anthropogenic landscapes. After the human
extinction, this bird began to master the deserted lands, and began to evolve
actively. One of the descendants
of this species has completely lost an ability to fly, but another one kept
this ability and began to adapt to feeding on large carrion. In the Neocene,
this line of evolution gave rise to a monstrous creature, the largest flying
bird of the Neocene epoch, akatu.
Akatu is much larger than its ancestor: the weight of an adult bird is about
100 kg. Males of this species are smaller than females – they reach a weight
of 70-75 kg only. The growth of an adult female reaches 2 meters, and the span
of wide wings is up to 6 meters. The name of the bird in Latin means “bird shading
with its wings”. The flight feathers of this bird reach enormous sizes: their
length is up to 75 cm at the width of about 40 cm. The wings of the akatu are
wide, with rounded tips – bird is able to soar at high altitudes for many hours.
Such large flying birds are very rare in nature. Teratornis (Argentavis magnificens),
known from the Tertiary period, reached similar size. In Neocene, when productive
stable ecosystems became widespread, giant feathered predators returned to Earth
in the form of akatu.
The growth of the akatu is determined mostly by the proportions of this bird.
Akatu’s legs are very long and muscular – if necessary, the bird can run quickly
on the ground. Most often, this is needed to build up speed during takeoff.
But sometimes akatu falls a hostage to its own appetite: having found a rich
source of food (for example, a large carcass of an animal or the remains of
the prey of large predators), the bird eats so much that it cannot take off
immediately, and has to spend some time on the ground. This circumstance may
be fraught with significant dangers: on the plains and in the foothills of South
America there are large predators – jagueira
and hunting heron. However, in case of emergency, akatu can regurgitate some
of the meat eaten and fly up.
The akatu's appearance is inherited from its scavenger ancestor, and a number
of “family traits” of the turkey vulture have been retained. The head and front
of the neck of akatu lack feathers – it is an adaptation for feeding on carrion.
The skin of the akatu’s head is very brightly colored, as befits a living embodiment
of the legendary bird: the crown and sides of the head are reddish-brown, the
throat is bright blue. The skin on the head and throat is smooth, but large,
warty outgrowths of orange color develop around the eyes. They are especially
noticeable in males. During the courtship ritual, these outgrowths swell greatly
from the inflow of blood and become even brighter.
Akatu’s beak is very long, and the corneous cover is developed only in its last
third. It forms a large corneous hook, which can easily tear meat apart. Akatu’s
elongated nostrils are located in the middle of the beak; they can be colosed
by a special fold of skin when the bird tears food with its beak. Akatu’s sense
of smell is very acute – this is a common feature of cathartids, which has received
a special development in this species. Hovering in updrafts over the plains,
akatu is often guided by smell in search of food. The akatu’s sense of smell
is especially sensitive to fresh blood, so these huge birds soon appear near
feasting predators or scavengers. They can control a vast territory and are
easily get enough food from the remains of predators’ meals. The vision of this
bird is very sharp.
On the male’s throat, an “wattle” grows – a special outgrowth of the trachea,
which serves as a resonator. From outside, “wattle” is covered with feathers.
The voice of an adult male akatu is similar to the siren wailing; the “wattle”
is swollen at this moment.
Akatu eats meat of large animals – giant paca, barocavia, tapirotherium – but
is very unassuming in its choice of food: this bird will willingly eat even
the meat that has begun to decompose. Sometimes this bird can find large fish
in the water bodies drying up after flood. In search of prey, akatu can fly
about a hundred kilometers in a day. Usually this bird does not attack healthy
animals, but chooses already sick or dying ones. This giant predator chases
such individuals at a foot’s pace, sometimes for several hours on end. From
time to time, the bird attacks the weakened animal, inflicting wounds on it
with its beak. Often several more congeners join one bird, and the hunt becomes
even faster and ruthless. Akatu usually eats the soft parts of the carcass,
and the remains of the meat on the bones go to a variety of small inhabitants
of the savannah. Often akatu appropriates prey of land-dwelling predatory birds,
using its indisputable advantage in body size.
Akatu feeds on plains, but hatches chicks on mountain ledges protected from
predators. The distance between a bird’s nest and its feeding grounds can make
tens of kilometers, but for a well-flying bird this is not an obstacle at all.
The development of akatu chick takes a very long time, so courtship rituals
in these birds are performed quite early: at the end of the drought season.
Usually the male begins courtship: he flies over the place chosen for nesting,
attracting the female with loud calls. However, usually this ritual is a purely
formality: in most cases, a pair of these birds forms for life. Out of nesting,
mates can spend time in different parts of the common territory, but during
the rearing of offspring, the pair is reunited.
Soon after the formation of a new pair, or after the family reunion, a nest
renovation begins. Akatu’s nest represents a huge construction made of twigs
and branches, lined with dry grass taken from the plain. It is built by both
parents, but the male takes responsibility for finding building materials, and
the female itself builds or repairs the nest. For the construction of the nest,
a niche in the rock is chosen, if possible protected from the wind and the midday
sun. The nest can exist for many years, sometimes being passed from generation
to generation. Akatu nests can exist in the same place for up to two hundred
There is only one egg in a clutch of akatu. Extremely rarely, and only the strongest
females can lay two eggs, but in a year poor in food, as well as in young or
old birds, there is only one egg in a clutch. The chick hatches featherless,
blind and helpless. It grows very slowly, feathering only in the fifth week
of life. A young bird fully develops only at the age of about six months. At
this time, the juvenile tries to fly, stretching its wings and jumping in the
nest. About a week after the beginning of such training, the young akatu makes
its first flight.
A bird of this species becomes an adult at the age of 4-5 years, but its life
expectancy can be over 60 years.
bird (Superciliornis minutus)
Order: Passerines (Passeriformes)
Family: Cotingas (Cotingidae)
Habitat: South America, Grand Chaco.
Picture by Amplion
For South America of the Holocene epoch, birds of the suborder
of suboscine passerines (Tyranni, or Suboscines) were very characteristic. They
were typical forest dwellers, and achieved great diversity in rain forests.
Birds of this group settled into the mountains, reaching the temperate mountain
zone of shrubby vegetation. During the Ice Age, when forest areas began to decline,
the abundance and species diversity of suboscine passerines decreased. From
numerous families, only a few relict species survived, preserved in islets of
once-extended forests along rivers and on foggy mountain plateaus. Later, when
the forests again spread over the northern part of South America, the process
of active dispersal and speciation of these birds began. However, some of them
have not left their usual habitats. On the mountain plateaus of the Gran Chaco
towering among the vast plains, some bird species have survived, descending
directly from the relics of the Holocene epoch. One of them is a tiny but amazingly
bright beetle bird.
It is a very small bird: its body length is about 10 cm, including the tail.
Beetle bird has a large head, short and wide tail, and wings rounded at the
tips. This physique determined the name of the bird: it moves slowly, somewhat
resembling a huge beetle. This bird flies reluctantly and prefers to look for
food among branches and creepers.
The body is coloured from above metallic green with a “scaly” pattern: feathers
have dark edging. The lower part of the body is crimson red with an expressed
metallic sheen. In males, on the wings, the outermost flight feathers are blue.
The area around the eyes in birds of both sexes is featherless and covered with
white skin. The male grows long feathers on the “eyebrows” (as long as the body
of the bird itself), the vain is developed on them on one side. The “eyebrows”
resemble the antennae of some insects. They are coal-black with white tips and
stand out against the general background of plumage. By the position of the
“eyebrows” the male expresses his mood – he raises them when he is alarmed or
annoyed. Females have no “eyebrows”.
The beak of beetle bird is wide and short, and the mouth cut is very large:
it reaches the posterior edge of the eye. The bird feeds on berries (swallowing
them whole), soft insects and other invertebrates (worms, snails).
Beetle bird is found in the mountains, preferring places overgrown with bushes.
It nests on rocks, often making its nest at the base of the nest of akatu, a
giant bird of prey. This species is polygamous: up to five females can nest
on the territory of one male at once. The male performs courtship rtual alone,
choosing for this purpose a long dry branch or the root of a tree growing on
rocks. It spins and bounces on a branch in the rays of the sun, making its plumage
sparkle like a gem. The mating song consists of a series of shrill monotonous
calls, similar to the cricket chirp, but more sonorous.
Unlike many other cotingid birds, beetle bird is a fairly skillful builder:
its nest is strong enough, woven from grass and representing a spherical construction.
In the clutch there are 2-3 white eggs incubated only by the female. The male
protects the territory from rivals, engaging with them in hard fights, accompanied
by threatening trills and displaying of bright plumage. Females get food for
nestlings on their own; the male takes part in caring for the offspring very
irregularly – for him feeding the offspring of all the females of the harem
is a way to show his power over them. Nestlings hatch blind, but covered with
short black down. They begin to see clearly at about five days of age, and two
weeks after hatching from eggs, they fully fledge. Young birds leave the nest
at the age of about 20 days. Their first plumage is completely different from
the brilliant outfit of adult birds: juveniles are chestnut-brown with a dark
back. The area around the eyes of fledglings is covered with small feathers.
The female supplements them for another three to four days, and then starts
a new nesting cycle. Birds of this species have up to three broods per year.
armadillo, or tatu-burro (Dromarmadillo asellinus)
Order: Edentates (Edentata )
Family: Armadillos (Dasypodidae)
Habitat: South America, plains and foothills in areas with a tropical climate.
Picture by Carlos Pizcueta (Electreel)
Edentata order is one of the few groups of South American mammals
that were able to survive after representatives of the fauna of North America
came across the Isthmus of Panama to previously isolated South America in the
Pliocene and Pleistocene. Most of the groups of animals that formed in isolation
in South America became extinct shortly after this event. However, these peculiar
animals managed not only to survive, but also even to settle in the opposite
direction: to colonize North America (giant sloths and armadillos did it), but
there man most likely exterminated them. In the historical era, the nine-banded
armadillo also penetrated far to the north, but the ice age that ended the human
era threw this thermophilic species further south.
In South America, the evolution of the edentates continued more successfully,
although the disappearance of the rainforest led to the extinction of all sloths.
However, armadillos achieved significant evolutionary success in the Neocene.
Among them, burrowing and specialized insectivorous species appeared, and one
of the species of these animals developed into a completely peculiar creature.
At the first glance at this animal, it may not be clear who is it and which
relative is it. With its constitution, this animal is more like a cartoon donkey
in barding like Medieval horse one. However, this beast has a significant difference
from horses and donkeys, known to man – it is not an artificially made barding,
but its own shell. This creature is a kind of running armadillos, donkey armadillo,
or tatu-burro. The tatu-burro has partly lost the habits characteristic of armadillos:
it does not dig holes, and leads an exclusively terrestrial lifestyle. The shell
of this animal has become very durable: it protects the animal from the attack
of predators. The shell of a donkey armadillo consists of several movably articulated
parts. One solid shield, covered with many horny tubercles, protects the shoulders
and scruff of the animal. There is a second similar shield on the croup of the
animal. Between them on the body there are several narrow bands, which only
partially make the body mobile. The animal has a thin tail covered with small
corneous shields.
Neck of donkey armadillo is protected by plates on the sides and on top, and
a thick frontal shield grows on the head. The corneous plates on this shield
have developed into large cone-like outgrowths. If necessary, the animal can
use it as a battering ram. The ears of the animal protrude on the sides of its
frontal shield. They are mobile, elongated, a bit donkey-like – this feature
determined the name of the beast. Since tatu-burro lives in a warm climate,
but most of its body is covered with a shell, it faces the problem of heat emission.
Its ears cope with this role – in them a network of blood vessels is developed.
In hot weather, the ears of the animal turn pink – blood vessels dilate, and
the blood emits the excess of the heat through their thin skin.
The lower part of the animal’s body is not protected by shell; long, thin wool
grows on it. On the neck and lower part of the head, the hair is shorter and
thicker, which makes it look like a “beard”. Jaws of the animal are relatively
short, the tip of the muzzle is mobile and flexible. The color of the animal
is two-tone: shell plates are reddish-brown, and the coat is light gray.
Tatu-burro is a relatively large animal that looks like a long-legged pig. Its
height at the shoulders is about a meter, and its body length (without tail)
is about one and a half meters. This animal inherited from its ancestors, ordinary-looking
armadillos, the ability to run quickly. In this regard, its legs have changed
significantly. Hind legs of tatu-burro are slightly longer than front ones,
they have become partially, and the front ones are completely digitigrade. Claws
on the hind legs have turned into a kind of hooves, and the animal rests on
them and on the pads of the third and fourth toes. The II and V toes do not
reach the ground, only short claws grow on them. On the forelegs, II, III and
IV fingers are well-developed, armed with long claws with a sharp lateral edge.
With the help of these claws, the animal can not only run, but also get food:
dig holes and termite mounds, and also to destroy the well-fortified clay nests
of ground-dwelling birds – prairie pipe birds. If the shell does not save the
animal from enemies, tatu-burro can defend itself actively – animal sits on
its hind legs and inflicts deep wounds on the attacking predator with the claws
of its front legs.
This peculiar edentate leads an interesting way of life – it is an omnivorous
species, in the diet of which food of animal origin takes a significant place.
This animal has a high immunity to poisons; therefore it even feeds on animals
that are passed by by other predators. It can trample and eat poisonous snakes
and frogs, gathers poisonous beetles and eats them without harm to health. Tatu-burro
willingly feeds on carrion, searching for it with the help of its keen sense
of smell. This beast may be seen among those who wait patiently for the predator
to feed itself and leave its prey. But tatu-burro is not able to get meat on
its own: it has a very low intellect, and this animal does not know how to hunt
at all. It only eats those animals that cannot escape from it, or is content
with the remains of the prey of large predators. In addition, due to its weak
teeth, tatu-burro cannot crack bones like hyenas or other specialized scavengers,
and feeds only on soft parts of carcass. But strong stomach allows it to eat
even meat, that has begun to decompose, which other predators do not eat.
There is no well-defined breeding season for tatu-burro. This species does not
form permanent families, animals of different sexes meet each other only during
mating. Pregnancy lasts about 4 months. The female gives birth to only two large
and well-developed cubs. For tatu-burro, a common feature of armadillos is characteristic
– cubs of the same brood are identical twins. They become independent early
– a month-old cub already leaves its mother and gets food on its own. The female
gives birth to about three broods in two years.
While adolescents of this species are small, they do not risk approaching the
prey of large predators and are content with small animals, mainly invertebrates.
They also eat plant foods – berries and flowers of herbaceous plants. Then,
from about two years of age, having reached the size characteristic of an adult
animal, they switch to feeding on carrion. The life span of a donkey armadillo
is about 15 years.
tapirotherium (Tapirotherium probosciferus)
Order: Odd-toed ungulates (Perissodactyla)
Family: Tapirs (Tapiridae)
Habitat: South America, woods.
Picture by Tim Morris
In the process of evolution, nature set up a kind of “experiments”
in various parts of the Earth, when at different times, on different continents,
but in similar natural conditions, living creatures of very similar anatomical
features appeared, descending nevertheless from completely different ancestors.
So, in the Cenozoic of South America, representatives of local ungulates, pyrotheres
(Pyrotheria), appeared – they were beasts, outwardly similar to proboscideans
of the Old World and North America. In Neocene, the situation was partly repeated:
in due course of evolution, pigs in Eurasia acquired
a proboscis, which allows them to gather food and to produce various sounds.
In South America, the evolution of tapirs, relict odd-toed ungulates, continued.
They also developed a trunk that serves a variety of purposes. The proboscis
descendants of tapirs represent a separate genus of these animals – Tapiroterium.
The largest representative of the genus is the forest tapirotherium. It is a
very large animal with a distinctive appearance. The animal is a bit like a
mastodon: the body length of the forest tapirotherium reaches 4 meters with
a height at the shoulders of over 2 meters and a weight of up to 3 tons. The
back of the animal is slightly curved upward, the head is massive. The legs
of tapirotherium are thick, with wide feet, each of which ends with three hooves.
Under the fingers and toes of the animal, there are pads of elastic cartilaginous
tissue, saturated with fat, and due to it, the steps of tapirotherium are silent.
The relatively large support area does not make tapirotherium a good runner,
but it allows it to wander on swampy soils and swim beautifully. Tapirotheres
live along the river banks in northern and central South America, sharing habitats
with a local giant rodent, barocavia (Barocavia). However, the competition between
them is softened because tapirotheres are active during the day and prefer to
feed on land. And barocavias feed on the shore at night. In addition, tapirotherium
is able to feed on branches from trees inaccessible to a giant rodent, and can
even stand on its hind legs for a short time. Tapirotheres are also found in
the rainforest that grows in the Amazon and Hippolyte river basins. In the dense
forest, their place of residence can be easily identified by the wide paths
laid in the forest.
The forest tapirotherium lives in warm climates, so it has very sparse and short
hair. The animal is dark brown with a lighter head and a cross-striped trunk.
The most notable feature of tapirotherium is its long trunk evolved from the
short proboscis of ancestral tapir. The length of the trunk of tapirotherium
exceeds the length of its skull. The skull of the animal is short and deep,
the nasal openings are shifted back and up, like the nostrils on the skull of
an elephant. The tapirotherium’s trunk is mobile, and animals can pick off thin
stems of grass or young leaves of a bush with it. Then, with the help of the
trunk, these animals communicate: the color of the trunk is distinguishable
from afar, and the animals give each other signals by waving the trunk, raising
or lowering it. In addition, with the help of the trunk, tapirotheres can produce
a variety of sounds: trump, purr and squeak. Unlike Holocene elephants and Neocene
elephant-like pigs of Eurasia, tapirotheres lack tusks.
Also, tapirotheres are distinguished from elephants by short ears. Nevertheless,
for a large animal in a hot climate, the problem of heat emission is much more
acute. For this purpose, these animals developed a large fold of skin on the
lower part of the neck and chest. In hot weather, the blood vessels that penetrate
the skin dilate, emitting some of the heat.
Tapirotheres live alone or in small herds of 5-10 animals. Usually old males
keep solitarily in the territory of a herd of females with cubs. Young and mature
males form leks of “bachelors” outside the breeding season.
Pregnancy lasts about 15 months. The female gives birth to only one cub; at
the birth of twins, one cub, as a rule, does not survive. The cub stays with
its mother for a long time: it feeds on milk for up to a year, gradually getting
accustomed to the food of adult animals. After switching to plant food, young
females remain in the herd for life, and males stay there until about two years
of age. After that, they leave the parental herd and enter the lek of “bachelor”
males. They become sexually mature at the age of 5 years (females do it a year
earlier). The life span of tapirotherium can be up to 60 years.
One more species lives in mountain regions of South America: mountain
tapirotherium (Tapirotherium montanicolus). It is smaller species (like
usual tapir by size), adapted to inhabiting in cool mountain climate. At it
there are rather short legs and lengthened trunk: so it is easier to move in
cross-country terrain. Also it does not have plica of skin on neck, characteristic
for its large relative, and it is covered with rich wool. This species is colored
brighter than forest tapirotherium: at it light longitudinal strips on dark
brown woolare kept. It is the display of juvenile colouring. Strips are especially
distinct on shoulders and basis of neck, and around of eyes there are big sites
of light wool on black background. This animal lives in Andes where prefers
to live in mountain valleys. Mountain tapirotherium differs from forest congener
in dense constitution, narrower feet and stronger hoofs. Despite of significant
weight, this animal is able to climb on rather abrupt slopes though it makes
it seldom – usually animals of this species live settled in mountain valleys,
and migrate only at lack of forage or because of inclement weather conditions.
This animal is very numerous near to Totora Lake on Altiplano Plateau in Andes.
Obviously, the close relative of mountain tapirotherium is Chilean
tapirotherium (Tapirotherium chiliensis) – medium-sized animal and
rather easy constitution. Chilean tapirotheriums inhabit narrow strip of land
between Andes and Pacific coast of South America. These animals live in various
habitats: from foothills up to ocean coast. They have long legs and trunk, reach
the weight about one ton and can run quickly. At Chilean tapirotherium there
are rather small feet and hoofs, and also neck is lengthened. It has grey colouring
with longitudinal black strips on groats and back. This species keeps in harems
of male (sometimes two males – main and subordinated) and several females with
cubs of various ages. Populations living near the ocean frequently come to the
coast where animals drink salt water and eat seaweed cast ashore.
(Barocavia potamophyla)
Order: Rodents (Rodentia)
Family: Capybaras (Hydrochoeridae)
Habitat: rivers and bushes of South America.
During the most part of Cenozoic South America was isolated continent. Its flora
and fauna developed independently from other continents and has reached high
level of endemism and originality. In late Cenozoic connection of South and
North America was restored and as a result of immigration of North-American
species the most part of South-American ones appeared in conditions of isolation
and not taking place similar “durability tests” has died out. But some groups
have remained rather widely spread and various – for example, characteristic
South-American rodents. When in Neocene South America appeared isolated from
world again around by Panama passage, these animals became basic forms of local
herbivores having evolved numerous and various species having ecological analogues
in other parts of the world: original “doubles” of antelopes and pigs. And the
place of hippopotamus in rivers and lakes of South America was occupied by giant
rodent – huge barocavia, the descendant of capybara.
Barocavias are widely settled in rivers of South America. In constant reservoirs
they live settled life, and in seasonal drought areas had turned to nomades
and make migrations to deeper rivers and lakes. Usually these huge animals spend
almost all day in the river eating or having a rest, and in the evening come
to bank meadows to graze.
The barocavia is huge semi-aquatic rodent resembling hippopotamus externally
and by habit of life. It grows to 3 – 4 meter length (male is larger) at height
at a shoulder up to one and half - two meters. The adult male of this species
can weigh up to three tons. At barocavia there is thick skin covered with thin
rough wool of brownish color. Tail at this giant rodent is not present.
Head of barocavia is disproportionally big, having big cheek-bones, and heavy.
On the top jaw of animal long rigid whiskers grow. Incisors in bottom jaw are
wide and shovel-like. They are directed forward and serve for raking of floating
plants from water surface and for excavation of roots from bottom or coast.
Top incisors are covered with white enamel, their length reaches 20 cm. They
permit to have a cut through even trunk of young tree easily, and in case of
predator attack help to give them adequate repulse. Molars of barocavia are
wide and knobby. It is connected with diet of animal: barocavia consumes for
day plenty of enough soft and sappy vegetative food and chews the most part
of day.
Small eyes and short rounded ears of barocavia are shifted to the top part of
head as at hippopotamus. At this animal there is bad sight but keen sense of
smell and excellent hearing.
Legs of barocavia are plantigrade, thick and short. Toes are united by common
cover of soft tissues and form the structure similar by form to the elephant
foot. Under them the pillow of elastic tissue impregnated with fat allowing
an animal to walk easily, springly and silently despite of apparent awkwardness
is located. Claws (on forward leg their number is four, on back one - three)
are thick and hoof-like. Barocavia can swim and dive well rowing by legs. Under
water animal walks easily and even is to some extent graceful, slightly touching
a bottom. In case of necessity these animals easily can cross rivers some kilometers
Barocavias live in big herds numbering up to 30 – 40 individuals. Such large
herd is non-uniform: in it there are some breeding groups – one adult male for
3 – 5 females and their cubs of first year of life. Herds of smaller size are,
as a rule, groups of bachelor males not having families by different reasons.
All breeding groups in herd are approximately equal by rank. In case of danger
herd can unite and defend from predator collectively. Barocavias try to drive
off ground predators widely opening mouth and showing huge teeth and light pink
gums. Thus adult animals abruptly bellow and growl. Water predators - large
carnivorous fishes – as a rule, are not dangerous to barocavias, though
they can drown and eat newborn cubs. At the case of fish attack adults protect
cubs by bodies, rear and fall to water, splashing fountains of water and trying
to trample attacking fish. Sometimes adult animals try to bite fish or to snap
it and to cast ashore (according observations of zoologists African hippopotamuses
of Holocene epoch acted this way).
In rainseason when rivers are widely overflowed and transform significant areas
to marshy plains, barocavias leave main channel of river and go to near lakes
and bogs. Here they feed with marsh plants plentifully expanding on damp ground,
supplementing the diet by branches of trees and bushes. Each herd occupies the
certain territory which edges are marked by heaps of manure. By smell of manure
any neighbour can know as great the herd is, what animals make of it, and as
frequently it visits this place.
These rodents spend hottest time of day in water having a rest and eating water
vegetation. During feeding barocavia sticks teeth under reed turf, pulls out
the whole sheaf of stalks by strong movement of head upwards, “rinses” it in
water by lateral movements of head and then starts to chew phlegmatically. These
rodents to sleep prefer on land in places where ground predators can not reach:
frequently “bedrooms” of barocavias are situated on small islands among bog
or on sandy islands in channel of river. Dream time at the barocavia lasts from
second half of night till late morning.
The role of barocavia in ecosystems of South American rivers is great: eating
plants they interfere river overgrowing and bogging, and on their manure phytoplankton
– basis of efficiency of river ecosystems – plentifully reproduces. Eating bushes
on river banks barocavias promote development of graminoid communities serving
for feed to local running rodents deermaras and giant pacas.
The breeding season at barocavias begins approximately in middle of rainseason:
thus cubs will be born in the most favorable season, and the probability of
their survival will be much higher. Out of breeding season males practically
do not notice each other and even can graze grass side by side. But when the
female from breeding group shows the readiness for pairing, the male becomes
terrible and jealous husband. Bassy uterinely roaring it snatches to any one
in which competitor will be seen. During intraspecific duels barocavias do not
use huge teeth and simply push each other by shoulders and strike impacts by
forehead or lateral part of head.
Caring for the female male slightly pushes her head, puts his head to her back
or neck. Thus he “coos” – utters special abrupt humming sounds, and walks “on
tiptoe” highly lifted head up and trying to seem even larger. If the female
is not ready to pairing, she keeps head to the caring male and from time to
time quietly growls showing incisors. Accepting male carings female nestles
against his side, “coos” in unison, and sniffs head of male from below. Pairing
at massive barocavias occurs in water.
Pregnancy lasts about eight months, and once a year female gives rise to two
well-advanced cubs with opened eyes, covered with wool. The newborn barocavia
weighs about 50 kgs. Already at the first day of life the cub can walk and even
tries to swim. At fortnight age young barocavia tries to eat grass and completely
passes to feeding by plants at the age of three months. At this time young animal
can weigh already up to 300 kgs. Barocavia becomes completely adult at the age
of about two years, and life expectancy can be about 30 - 40 years.
(Tyrannocharax deinodontus)
Order: Characids (Characiformes)
Family: Trahiras (Etythrinidae)
Habitat: shallow fresh reservoirs in tropical zone of South America.
After climatic catastrophes of the late Holocene and early Neocene, many of
the previously flourishing groups of animals became extinct. Such a fate befell
almost all crocodiles that have existed on Earth since the Triassic period of
the Mesozoic era. Only a few
representatives of
this order live on Earth in the Neocene epoch, and in many places where they
lived before, completely different animals replaced them in the ecological niche
of a large aquatic predator. Most often these are various
turtles and lizards,
but in South America, where an extensive network of rivers and lakes has been
preserved, fish have taken on the role of a formidable aquatic predator. In
the Holocene epoch, in the basins of tropical South American rivers, trahiras
were widespread – large and quarrelsome predatory fish, sometimes reaching a
meter in length. They lay in wait for prey, hiding among the plants to make
an ambush. The same tactic is used with great success by their descendant –
the giant tyrannocharax.
The length of the almost cylindrical body of tyrannocharax reaches four and
a half meters – it is one of the largest bony fish of the Neocene Earth. About
a meter of this length falls on a huge head with an elongated snout and pointed
teeth, looking like nails curved back. The weight of this monstrous fish may
reach 300-350 kilograms. Head is covered with a dense shell of ossificated skin,
which gives it additional strength and protects it from accidental damage that
large prey can inflict on this predator. In the upper part of the head there
are small black eyes, and approximately in the middle between the eyes and the
tip of the muzzle there are sensitive nostrils.
The constitution gives out in this fish a typical ambush predator, not swimming
long and fast. Tyrannocharax spends almost all the time, hiding among the abundant
aquatic vegetation at a depth of about 1-1.5 m. The pattern on its scales helps
even such a huge fish to remain unnoticed. On the sides of tyrannocharax there
is an uneven reticular pattern: black spots on the greenish-gray background,
merging into vertical stripes. The back of this fish is brown-black with a few
light spots.
The caudal fin of tyrannocharax is short and rounded, and the caudal peduncle
is deep and muscular. Such proportions are typical for fish capable of making
a sharp rush. The dorsal fin extends from about the middle of the back almost
to the beginning of the caudal peduncle; the adipose fin is absent. The pectoral
and pelvic fins of the fish are well developed and shifted downward.
Living in shallow, highly heated water bodies, large fishes face with one problem:
the body requires a lot of oxygen, and its content in the water is low. Tyrannocharax
solves this problem with an adaptation that it inherited from its ancestors.
The swim bladder of this fish is opened – it has turned into a kind of lung.
From time to time, the huge fish carefully emerges to the surface of the water
and breathes. After that, the tyrannocharax can lie in ambush for up to half
an hour, not giving itself away to possible prey. The lung helps the fish to
survive in drought conditions: when reservoirs dry up, tyrannocharax can move
from one reservoir to another, bending with the whole body and helping itself
with pectoral and pelvic fins. At the same time, the fish keeps the gill covers
closed, protecting the gills from drying out, and breaths exclusively with the
help of the lung.
The female is paler and fuller than the male, and, in addition, is about half
a meter longer and heavier by 20-30 kilograms. With such an alignment of forces,
given the very quarrelsome and aggressive nature of the fish themselves, the
male is required to be very careful when communicating with the female during
the spawning period. The courtship ritual of tyrannocharaxes is quite long;
the male gradually accustoms the female to his presence, keeping on the edge
of her territory. At any moment he is ready to retreat to a respectful distance,
as soon as the female shows signs of displeasure from his presence. However,
over time, the female gets used to the male, and he can carefully approach her.
During the courtship display, the male becomes brighter: his body acquires a
rich green color with velvet-black stripes, and the lower part of the head becomes
bright red. Caring for the female, male swims next to her, stretching his fins
and emitting series of clicks audible from under water, especially at night.
Tyrannocharax belongs to phytophiles: this fish spawns on the leaves of small-leaved
plants. Before spawning, a pair of fish chooses thickets of an aquatic plant
with small leaves and tears up all vegetation at a distance of two meters from
it. After that, the mating ritual begins, during which the male drives the female
into the thickets and presses against her side. After several trial attempts,
the pair spawns eggs – about 20 thousand rather large eggs.
The female almost immediately leaves the spawning ground, and the male stays
to guard the offspring. At this time, it becomes almost entirely black, only
a few green spots are noticeable on the sides. His aggressiveness at this time
increases so much that even a female larger than him is forced to retreat away
from the clutch.
The incubation of eggs lasts about a week, after which the male leaves the clutch
to fend for itself. The first days the larvae hide among the plants, at the
age of three days they begin to swim and feed on small crustaceans. They grow
rapidly, and at a length of about 1 centimeter they can already attack the fry
of other fish. Cannibalism is characteristic of this species at any stage of
development, so only a few fishes survive to adulthood. Sexual maturity in young
fish occurs at the age of about seven years; life expectancy reaches 50 years
or more.
Tyrannocharax hunts large mammals, waterfowl and large fish. The strength of
the jaws of this predator is such that it can easily pierce with its teeth even
the shell of a small turtle. Usually the fish lurks near the favorite watering
places of large animals, and waits until any animal enters the water too far.
Then a sharp throw follows, and the prey disappears under the water. Tyrannocharax
has a grip of steel on its jaws. Even if the animal can escape, it will most
likely die from blood loss: pointed teeth of tyrannocharax inflict deep wounds.
This fish catches waterfowl, grabbing them from under the water. Tyrannocharax
also does not disdain small prey: chicks of small birds, that have fallen into
the water, and small mammals, fleeing from a flood, can easily end their lives
in its teeth. A sated fish hides in depth and lays in deep for some days, while
digesting its prey.
bird louse (Megalaemobothrion goliath)
Order: Chewing lice (Mallophaga)
Family: Laemobothriids (Laemobothriidae)
Habitat: South America, a parasite of large birds.
The evolution of each species of animals and plants is closely related to the
fate of the species that surround it – taken together, the species of animals
and plants form ecosystems and determine the characteristics of each other’s
habitat. Particularly close are the relations between species, which are a parasite
and a host for each other. The host itself represents a habitat of the parasite,
therefore, any changes in the structure, physiology or lifestyle of the host
immediately affect its parasites, forcing them to die out or evolve in one direction
or another. The dependence of the parasite on the host leads to the fact that
its specialization is very strict – the range of possible hosts is greatly narrowed,
and sometimes the parasite is able to live on only one species of the host organism.
Parasites are present among various groups of animals, and are not uncommon
among insects. Some orders of insects are represented exclusively by parasitic
forms. Chewing lice are highly specialized bird parasites (some genera of chewing
lice of Trichodectidae family live not on birds, but on mammals, but their specialization
is as strict as that of “typical” chewing lice). They eat the corneous derivatives
of bird skin – feathers and scales of the epidermis. Usually these insects are
small in size and have a flattened body. In the Holocene, most of the chewing
lice were very small in size, measured in millimeters, with one eagle parasite
about one centimeter long being a giant among them.
However, this small “giant” of Holocene epoch would be undersized in comparison
with the largest species of chewing lice of the Neocene epoch, which lives in
the feathers of some South American birds. This insect reaches a length of about
3 cm, and for its gigantic size it is called the goliath bird louse.
It is an insect with thin translucent body integuments, with a narrow thorax
and short tenacious legs. The mandibulae of this insect are cutting and directed
forward. The head is flat, wedge-shaped, narrowed in front. Antennae are short,
non-mobile and directed backwards. There are no eyes – chewing lice constantly
live among the feathers of birds, so vision does not play any role in their
The abdomen of the goliath louse is long, flexible and worm-like. There are
thick hook-shaped setae along the edges of each body segment – two of them protrude
upward and two downward. They help the large insect to anchor between the feathers
of the host bird. Typically, this chewing louse stays between two overlapping
feathers, anchored by its hooked bristles. On the sides of each abdominal segment,
there is a tuft of strong setae directed backward.
The goliath puff louse lives in the feathers of large local carnivorous birds:
akatu (Sciopterornis acatou) and hunting heron (Graviardea venatrissa). Usually
chewing lice are strictly specific for a certain species of birds, but this
species can successfully survive and develop on both species, since these birds
are not too far from each other in terms of systematics. Obviously, this species
originated from some species of the genus Laemobothrion, the species of which
were found on birds of various taxonomic groups: falcon birds, cathartids, rails
and gallinules. In the process of evolution, when some species of South American
birds began to increase in size, the ancestors of this insect also began to
Chewing lice prefer strictly defined areas of plumage of birds, and several
species of these parasites can live on the same bird without competing with
each other. The goliath bird louse prefers to settle under the wings and in
the back of the bird’s body, where it is relatively rarely disturbed. If necessary,
this insect can move very quickly between the feathers of the host bird, writhing
like a worm and clinging to the feathers with bristles growing on the sides
of the abdominal segments.
Goliath bird louse lives in constant conditions formed on the surface of the
bird’s body, so it reproduces all year round without interruption. The female
lays about fifty small eggs daily, gluing them in rows to growing feathers.
All chewing lice are hemimetabolous insects. The larvae of this species differ
from the adult goliath bird lice not only in size, but also in proportions.
They are very small (about 1.5 mm long), with a slender body, a wide head with
two notches on the sides, and relatively long legs. During its development,
the larva of goliath bird louse passes 12-13 molts. The larvae of this species
are very mobile. Due to its size, it is difficult for an adult insect to move
from one bird to another – usually birds become infected with these parasites
during mating, and chicks get them from their parents. However, insects of this
species, settling in colonies of a hunting heron, can easily move from one bird
to another in the course of the daily life of these birds. On the hunting heron,
the goliath bird louse differs in smaller size, and reaches maturity, passing
one molt less. On the contrary, goliath chewing lice that settled on the body
of the akatu grow faster and turn out to be more fertile than their relatives
from the hunting heron. The larvae can actively spread from bird to bird, attaching
with their legs and thickened mobile antennae to the legs of blood-sucking insects
– horseflies and other flies. When the insect lands to suck blood, goliath louse
larvae rush to it and cling to its legs. At this moment, the recesses on the
sides of the head provide tangible benefits to the larva of the chewing lice:
the movable thick antenna folds back and clamps the leg of the flying insect
in the recess, like a trap. The larva of the bird louse hangs on a fly or horsefly,
and flies to the body of another host. So it can settle down to about the third
molt. Later, when the larva reaches a length of 2-3 mm, it loses its ability
to such air passages. In addition, it becomes too large for such a “trip”, and
the fly can simply throw it off. The full development cycle lasts about 3 weeks.
beetle (Plumovermis protector)
Order: Coleoptera, or Beetles (Coleoptera)
Family: Rove beetles (Staphylinidae)
Habitat: South America, bird feathers.
Picture by Biolog
Beetles are one of the largest orders of both insects and
animals in general. Their order is represented by hundreds of thousands of species
that have a different lifestyle and eat variety kinds of food. Among the beetles,
there are herbivorous and carnivorous species, and there is even a small number
of parasites. Their strict specialization often allows them to avoid intense
competition, and in the Neocene fauna, a considerable number of beetles is represented
with such specialized species.
In the plumage of large birds living in South America, one species of beetles
is often found. At first glance, it is difficult to classify it as a beetle,
but it is revealed by the characteristic structure of the wings: their first
pair is turned into rigid elytra. They are very short, and do not completely
cover the abdomen – this feature is typical for carnivorous rove beetles, to
which this insect belongs. For the characteristic way of life, this representative
of rove beetles is named as feather beetle.
It is a typical representative of the family, a predatory beetle that can fly.
It flies from one bird to another in search of food – various parasitic insects
that breed in their plumage. For hunting, this beetle uses a very keen sense
of smell: it easily recognizes the smell of parasitic insects against the background
of the smell of the bird on which they live. In this it is helped by long feathery
antennae with a small “club” at the tip. Sensitive cells are located on the
lateral outgrowths of the antennae.
The elytra of this insect are very short – they do not cover even a third of
the abdomen. The body of the feather beetle is flexible and long (its specific
name literally means “feather worm”). When the beetle crawls along the feathers
of birds, it folds its antennae under the edges of the head from below, so as
not to damage them.
The head of the feather beetle helps it to move among the plumage of the bird:
it is flat, narrow and wedge-shaped. Since the insect flies well and spends
part of its time outside the birds, it has large eyes, elongated along the lateral
edges of the head. Mandibulae of this beetle are very large – longer than half
of the head. On their inner edges there are sharp teeth, with the help of which
the insect grabs prey. Also, the caught feather beetle tries to bite the predator
that grabbed it.
Mandibulae represent not the feather beetle’s only defense. It is poisonous:
cantharidin is accumulated in the hemolymph of the insect. To warn the predator
about its inedibility, the insect has a memorable black and red color. The elytra
of this beetle are brownish red, smooth and shiny. On the abdomen of the insect
there are transverse “velvet” stripes formed of dense red pubescence. Feather
beetle’s legs are red. When disturbed, this insect opens the elytra to the sides
and exposes a bright red spot on the thoracic segments. Also, the feather beetle
lifts its abdomen up, showing its shiny white underside. To protect against
mammals and reptiles that use the sense of smell when hunting, there are several
pairs of glands on the abdomen of the feather beetle, that secrete an unpleasant-smelling
All rove beetles are hygrophilous, and the feather beetle is no exception. This
insect keeps near water bodies, where it waits for suitable “clients”. Where
the reservoir does not dry up and the air is sufficiently humid, the feather
beetle spends a short time on birds. However, far from permanent reservoirs,
the feather beetle prefers to find a bird of suitable size in the dry season,
and waits for an unfavorable season on its body. A relatively favorable microclimate
develops under the feathers of the bird, which helps the beetle to survive.
If, by the beginning of the dry season, this beetle has not found a bird suitable
for life, it switches to an underground lifestyle. With the help of sensitive
antennae, it searches for rather humid places – holes of various burrowing animals
– and settles there. If necessary, the beetle can dig its own burrows in soft
The female feather beetle lays eggs in dense clumps of grass, and guards them
for several days until the larvae hatch. Clutches are repeated every week throughout
most of the rainy season. At the same time, the female lays up to 20 relatively
large eggs. Nevertheless, the low fecundity of the insect is compensated by
the high survival rate of clutches and young larvae.
The larval stage in the feather beetle lasts about a year. The larva is similar
to primitive wingless insects: it has an elongated body and well-developed legs,
which greatly differs it from the worm-like inactive larvae of most beetles.
It can crawl quickly and digs the soil well with a solid head. The body covers
of the feather beetle larva are dense and hard, thanks to which it is protected
from other soil predators.
During the first weeks of life, the larva lives in clumps of grass and eats
small insects that live with it. During the dry season, the larvae, which by
this time have passed several molts, and have reached about half of their maximum
length, move to underground life. The hard shields of their bodies are connected
by an elastic membrane, through which moisture can evaporate, so dry air is
deadly for them. Under the ground, the feather beetle larvae live in the holes
of rodents and dig their own passages, pursuing burrowing larvae of other beetles
and cicadas, as well as worms. In the holes of rodents, the larvae can hunt
various parasitic insects, but they are not specialized to the relationship
of symbiosis with burrowing mammals, and live without them successfully. The
larva, ready for pupation, crawls out almost to the surface of the soil, and
hides in clumps of grass, where it pupates under a thin layer of soil. The young
beetle digs an exit to the surface with its head.
The flight of feather beetles begins at the very beginning of the rainy season.
Insects search for each other, mate on the ground among the grass, and fly in
search of birds infected by parasitic insects. Very rarely, these beetles are
found on bodies of large mammals, where they also eat parasitic insects.